Cops investigating the 'horror show' death of seven-month-old boy after mother took his dead body 'covered in bruises' to hospital

  • Dameen Mohammed was taken to an NYU hospital in Brooklyn on Saturday
  • Officials say the seven-month-old boy was covered with bruises when he arrived
  • Police are investigating the death, and described it as being like a 'horror show' 
  • Dameen's mother, Anwar Jawad, drove from Staten Island to Brooklyn with her dead baby to go to her mother's house, before driving to hospital, police say

Police are facing a 'horror show' investigation after a deceased seven-month-old baby with bruises was taken to hospital by his mother on Saturday.

Dameen Mohammed was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn shortly before 7am on Saturday morning by his 25-year-old mother, Anwar Jawad.

A cause of death for the seven-month-old, who reportedly had bruises all over his back, has not been determined.

Police are facing a 'horror show' investigation after a deceased seven-month-old baby with bruises was taken to hospital by his mother on Saturday. Pictured are police outside his mother, Anwar Jawad's, home in Staten Island

An investigator is seen carrying away a bag of evidence from the Staten Island home where the mother lived 

No arrests have been made in relation to the youngster's death, however police are beginning their investigation.

One of the investigators involved with the case told the New York Post the case is a 'horror show'.

'We’re in a holding pattern right now,' the cop said. 'He’s a young child... The mother’s pretty upset, like any mother would be.

'At this point, it just looks like a horror show.'

Police believe Jawad drove from her home in Staten Island to where her mother, who was the primary carer for the seven-month-old boy, lives.

According to the Post, she crossed the Verrazano Bridge into the borough about 5am.

A cause of death for the seven-month-old, who reportedly had bruises all over his back, has not been determined. Pictured is an officer at Jawad's home

Dameen Mohammed was taken to NYU Lutheran Medical Center (pictured) in Brooklyn shortly before 7am on Saturday morning by his 25-year-old mother, Anwar Jawad

Jawad and her mother then took young Dameen's body to the hospital, where staff called police and reported a potential child-neglect fatality.

The newspaper also spoke to neighbors who claimed the home where Jawad lives is visited by people who 'smoke and sell drugs'.

Meanwhile, Dameen's uncle said he was heartbroken to lose his nephew.

'We’re just lost right now,' he told The Post. 'He is an angel. He didn’t see life.'

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