Mother's boyfriend who shared her rape-murder fantasy charged with raping and killing her 14-year-old daughter Grace Packer

  • Sara Packer and Jacob Sullivan reportedly plotted the death of Grace Packer
  • The Abington, Pennsylvania couple desired to fulfill a dark sexual fantasy 
  • Grace was raped, drugged, killed and dismembered after four months 
  • Her body wasn't discovered until Halloween by two hunters
  • Packer lied by implying her daughter was alive to collect social security

Sara Packer and Jacob Sullivan allegedly planned the rape and murder of Packer's 14-year-old adopted daughter for over a year. 

On Sunday morning, Sullivan was charged with the kidnapping, rape and murder of Grace Packer. He admitted he was responsible for her murder while in hospital last week after a failed suicide attempt.

Grace was reportedly raped by Sullivan while her mother looked on for sexual enjoyment. 

Sara Packer (left) and Jacob Sullivan (right) reportedly planned to rape and kill Packer's adopted daughter as part of a gruesome sexual fantasy

Grace was then killed and four months later, her corpse was taken from an attic and dismembered.

So far, only Sullivan, 44, has been charged with the twisted crimes. Today there were allegations that an arrest warrant for Packer is on its way, according to Sullivan told hospital workers she was an accomplice in the murder as well after their attempted suicide pact. 

Bucks County District Attorney Matthew D. Weintraub said: 'This was a sexual fantasy that was shared between Jacob Sullivan and Sara Packer, and Grace Packer was the object of that rape-murder fantasy.' 

Grace was driven from her home in Abington, Pennsylvania the morning of July 8 by the couple to their rented property in Quakertown.

Grace Packer's remains were discovered by hunters off a road in Luzerne County on Halloween

Grace Packer's corpse was kept in the attic a rented home in Quakertown for four months

She was then allegedly raped by Sullivan while her mother watched. Afterwards, the teenager is said to have been pumped with pills and left to suffocate in an attic on a sweltering day.

Sullivan returned to the attic the next morning and found Grace still breathing. He allegedly strangled her and left her body buried in cat food.

When Packer and Sullivan returned to the attic in mid-October, they are believed to have cut up Grace's corpse with a bow saw.

Grace Packer's body was chopped up with a bow saw. Police would find receipts for the saw and spare blades in the possession of her mother

Grace Packer's remains were discarded on an isolated road. The medical examiner identified her body through dental records  

Detectives would later find the receipts for the saw and spare blades in Packer's possession. 

The couple allegedly scattered Grace's remains on a road in Luzerne County, two hours north of Philadelphia. The body would be discovered by two hunters on Halloween. 

Grace's body was able to be identified through dental records.

Packer reportedly profited off her daughter's murder. She lied that Grace was still alive so she could collect her social security checks.

Packer cashed in $712 monthly for her care in custody, never disclosing that Grace was not at the home. 

Jacob Sullivan was charged with the rape, murder and killing of Grace Packer on Sunday

Packer told police Grace ran away from home after an argument about visiting a friend and stole $300 from her.

When police asked for a photo of Grace to help locate her, Packer said she would send one to the station but never followed through.  

Packer reported Grace missing three days after the murder and continued collecting Grace's money.

Grace Packer's original missing persons poster says she tool $300 from her mother

Records obtained by WPVI-TV show Packer took $3,600 of Grace's disability funding starting when she was killed. 

Weintraub said: 'After they murdered her, they maintained the pretense of Grace being alive so that they could continue to profit off of her existence.'  

The attorney also hinted there may have been other alleged accomplices.

Packer was charged with obstruction of justice and was named a person of interest in Grace's murder in December. According to the police report, Packer 'withheld critical information' and gave 'misleading statements.' 

She moved from Abington to Quakertown without alerting police with her adopted son. Packer did not make any plans to enroll Grace in school there.

Authorities were also tipped off by Katherine Allbright who was living with the couple at the time of the murder. 


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