'You will probably get your dream interview with Corrupt Hillary': Twitter is divided over Megyn Kelly's Fox News departure as she hosts final show - and she's ALREADY changed her bio

  • Megyn Kelly said goodbye to viewers at Fox in a heartfelt message Friday night 
  • Some Twitter users wished Kelly good luck while others celebrated her leaving
  • The anchor announced Tuesday that she would be moving to NBC
  • The 46-year-old has already updated her Twitter profile with her new title

An emotional Megyn Kelly said her farewell to Fox News on Friday night in her final appearance before she starts her new role at NBC.

The 46-year-old - who has already changed her Twitter bio with her new title - addressed her viewers and thanked them for being there during her 12-year run at the network.

The popular anchor promised she would see viewers again soon, as it was announced Tuesday she would be heading to NBC for roles in a daytime show and a Sunday news magazine.  

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Megyn Kelly said her farewell to Fox News on Friday night. The 46-year-old anchor announced Tuesday that she would be leaving for NBC 

Kelly has already updated her Twitter profile with her new role as a news anchor at NBC News

Twitter users took to the social media platform to cheer on the anchor while others took it as a chance to celebrate her departure.

Kelly - who reportedly turned down Fox's $100million offer to stay - said in her goodbye that she was grateful for her viewer's trust in her and also for their 'good humor'. 

Some fans thought her goodbye was from the heart and wished her well, with declarations they would follow her to her new channel.

Supporters of Kelly took to Twitter to cheer on the popular anchor in her new role 

Fox News anchor Bret Baier congratulated Kelly on her 12-year run at the network and a fan also chimed in wishing her well 

Kelly - who reportedly turned down a $100million offer from Fox - is seen by one viewer as an inspirational figure 

Others seemed that they couldn't be happier that the journalist was switching networks. 

One Twitter user said Kelly made him 'sick' and another was relieved that she was taking her 'liberal bias' with her. 

Kelly came under fire from conservative Fox viewers and Donald Trump supporters during the election for her coverage surrounding the president-elect. 

Others were glad to see the anchor switch networks. This Twitter user thought Kelly's 'liberal bias' belonged at NBC 

Another thought Kelly was 'wrong more than right' and was happy to see her go 

Others attacked Kelly's personality and claimed that she wasn't 'as good as she thinks'

Kelly's new role at NBC will include a daytime show and a Sunday news magazine

Kelly said in her goodbye: 'Night after night you have welcomed us into your homes for some of the biggest moments in recent history.

'We have tried to live up to the honor of being there. 

'I am sincerely grateful for your trust, your patience and your good humor over the years, which is one of the reasons saying goodbye is so hard.

'But the truth is, I'm lucky to have been doing a job whose ending is bitter sweet. 

'I leave you knowing that I am better for having been here. I hope you feel the same.

'Thank you for everything and I'll see you again soon.' 

Kelly closed out her show with a heartfelt goodbye to her viewers, where she thanked them for their 'trust, patience and humor' 

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