'This is how the Hunger Games start!' Comedians Key and Peele revive their 'Obama Anger Translator' characters to blast Trump in farewell address

  • Keegan-Michael Key unveiled the new skit during his Daily Show appearance 
  • Key plays 'Luther' - Obama's anger translator, while Jordan Peele is the president 
  • The duo blasted president-elect Donald Trump during the 'farewell address' 
  • 'You all vote for the dude that's going to make America hate again?' Key said 

Comedian Keegan-Michael Key has revived his 'anger translator' character for one final 'farewell address' before Barack Obama is replaced in the White House by Donald Trump.

Key brought the role back with the help of Jordan Peele, who plays the role of Obama in the skits, during an interview on the Daily Show on Thursday.

The segment started with Peele's Obama calmly addressing the camera, saying, 'Since we last spoke, the country has voted for a new president,' while Key's 'Luther' quietly seethed beside him.

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Comedian Keegan-Michael Key (right) has revived his 'Obama anger translator' character with the help of Jordan Peele (left) for a final 'farewell address'

But after a few seconds, the anger translator lost his cool and fired off the first outburst.

'Trump! Come on, really? How did this happen man?' he exclaimed, before kicking a piñata of the president-elect after it floated into the frame.

'You all go and vote for the dude that's going to make America hate again? Don't you understand? This is how the Hunger Games starts.'

Peele's level-headed Obama then chimed in: 'We all have to accept that we are going to have someone else calling the shots.'

Jordan Peele plays the role of President Obama in the highly popular and successful skits

Key's Luther character shouted in the segment: 'You all go and vote for the dude that's going to make America hate again? Don't you understand? This is how the Hunger Games starts'

'Vladimir Putin, y'all. We got a naked Ruski on horseback going to be running the show,' Key's character boomed.

'It was a close election, but the people have spoken,' 'Obama' said.

The anger translator then interjected again, saying, 'Yeah, they voted for Hillary Clinton, but then this outdated Electoral College mumbo-jumbo voodoo bulls***, you got to be kidding me,' before walking off stage.

Peele's Obama continued the address in-shot, while Key's Luther was heard ranting and raving off to the side.

At one point, the 'anger translated spotted a Donald Trump piñata float into the shot (left), before launching a booming kick at the president-elect's likeness

Key unveiled the new skit during an appearance on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Thursday

Obama then said, 'it's more important than ever that we move on as a country united,' as Luther wandered across the shot and said: 'United in the fact that we can't f***ing stand each other.'

The address then turned to the topic of Trump's policies, prompting the translator to appear out of nowhere and say: 'New policy, the only good immigrant is a smoking hot white one.'

Obama then started to wrap up the address, saying he had greatly enjoyed his time in the White House.

'Except for when, umm, you know, let me think, let me think, when the Republicans wouldn't let me do s***, and then that one dude said I wasn't born here, and then y'all elected him. So you know what, didn't love that part so much,' Luther added, as Obama sat stoically in front.

Key's character closed the segment by delivering a warning for Trump, saying: 'I've got my eye on you, p***y-grabber'

The comedic duo made the highly-popular bit a staple of their performances and television show

The president then said he has met with Trump's team, and promised to support the transition.

But again, Luther interjected, walking towards the camera and saying: 'He doesn't even want the job, I saw it in his eyes, the dude was shook. The only reason he ran is because his factory in China made too many red hats.'

Peele's president tried to close on an optimistic note, saying: 'I assure you, if he succeeds, we all succeed.'

'Unless he succeeds with all the s*** he promises to succeed with,' Key's character said, 'because in that case, we're f***ed.'

Barack Obama speaks next comedian Keegan-Michael Key playing 'Luther, Obama's anger translator' at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner on April 25, 2015

Michelle Obama and the presidents translator, Luther (L), as portrayed by comedian Keegan-Michael Key, look on as the President speaks at the 2015 correspondents' dinner

Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele pose in the press room at the 68th annual Primetime Emmy Awards at Microsoft Theater on September 18, 2016 in Los Angeles

The skit then ended by having Luther read the secret letter Obama planned to leave for Trump, which read: 'go f*** yourself.'

Luther then added one final warning for the president-elect, saying: 'I've got my eye on you, p***y-grabber.' 

The characters have been a staple of Key and Peele's show, and 'Luther' even had the chance to perform with the real President Obama at the 2015 White House Correspondents' Dinners.

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