'That's better than huntin'!' Disturbing video showing Michigan State trooper shooting deer at point-blank range

  • Shocking video shows Michigan State Trooper shoot stunned deer in the head
  • MSP spokesman said animal was injured and could have caused an accident
  • Execution being investigated
  • The shocking news comes just days after police in Michigan caught humiliating and harassing African Americans

The disturbing moment a trooper shot a stunned deer in the head at point-blank range because it wouldn't move has been captured on camera.

Michigan State Police have opened an investigation into the troubling execution after the video went viral.

The news comes just days after footage of Michigan cops ordering African American men to 'sing or dance like chimps' surfaced, forcing a police investigation.


Stand-off: Video shows the moment an allegedly injured deer appears to be frozen in the headlights of a Michigan State Trooper's squad car before he is shot dead for not moving

The most recent clip, posted on YouTube on Tuesday, shows a deer standing on a roadside, frozen in the headlights of a Michigan State Trooper's squad car.

It is not clear when the incident occurred.

The troopers attempted to scare off the gentle creaure, who they claimed was injured, by sounding the siren and flashing the lights.

The cruiser then crawled forward and nudged the scared animal, which still didn't move.

A man filming said: 'He ain't goin' nowhere dude.'

Another man shouted: 'Want me to grab that [expletive] and drag it across the road?'

A trooper then held a gun just inches from the deer's head and shot it. It is not clear if the deer died because its legs were visibly shaking.

'Man down,' said a voice behind the camera, after making the noise of a tree falling. 'That's better than huntin'.'

MSP spokesperson Lt. Mike Shaw defended the officers, saying it did not appear their actions were unlawful.

However, he told Fox 2 the incident was being investigated. He said the deer was injured and could have darted out into the roadway, causing a traffic accident.

Michigan State Police are also investigating a separate incident in which footage of  
Grosse Pointe Park police belittling African Americans was released.

The clips seem to show an African American, mentally-disabled man being provoked to sing like a chimp. The videos were allegedly recorded by at least one police officer.


Police work: The officers flash their lights, sound the siren and even nudge the deer with the patrol car to make it move, but the deer is transfixed

Intentional: The storm trooper holds the gun just inches from the head of the stunned, injured deer before executing it

Like Bambi's mom all over again: The deer keels over after it is shot. Because its legs are shaking, it's not clear if the creature is dead

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