Better late than never! Retired woman reveals how she HALVED her body weight by losing 225lbs at the age of 63 after being inspired by a TV show

  • Diane Naylor, who lives in Oakhurst, California, dramatically lost 225lbs through exercising and healthy eating
  • At her heaviest she weighed 380lbs but she now weighs 155lbs
  • Diane, 63, said her breakthrough moment came four years ago while watching an episode of the crime comedy drama Castle
  • Inspired by a quote from the episode, she started eating healthily and exercising the next day and is now able to walk and cycle for miles 

A 63-year-old woman claims she feels 20 years younger after she was inspired to lose over half her body weight by a quote from a television show.

Diane Naylor dramatically lost 225lbs through exercising and healthy eating - bringing her weight down from 380lbs at her heaviest to 155lbs - after being motivated by an episode of the crime comedy drama Castle.

When she started her weight loss journey four years ago, Diane, who lives in Oakhurst, California, was so unfit that she began by walking up and down her driveway, she told Today.  

Dramatic: Retired woman Diane Naylor, pictured left at 380lbs and right at 155lbs, has revealed how she halved her body weight at the age of 63

Dedicated: Diane, who lives in Oakhurst, California, dramatically lost 225lbs through exercising and healthy eating

Now she goes on four-mile hikes, up to 30-mile bike rides with her niece and completes at least 10,000 steps per day. 

Part of the appeal of moving to Oakhurst were the outdoor activities available in Yosemite, but because of her weight Diane was unable to make the most of her location.

'I felt miserable and depressed because of my weight. I wasn't active at all and I couldn't do all of the things I wanted to,' she said. 

Previous attempts to lose weight failed because when the diet was over she always went back to her old ways. 

But she was inspired to seize the moment and change her lifestyle after watching an episode of Castle that highlighted the fragility of life to Diane.

She said: 'One of the medical examiners was telling the lead actress she should follow her dreams. 

'He pointed to the corpses and said, "All those people had dreams, but their time ran out, so don't let that happen to you."'

Inspired: Diane, pictured left before her weight loss and right recently, said her breakthrough moment came four years ago while watching an episode of crime comedy drama Castle

Active: Inspired by a quote from the episode, she started eating healthily and exercising the next day and is now able to walk and cycle for miles

She said it prompted a 'light bulb' moment in which she realized she had dreams that she still wanted to accomplish. 

The following day she started eating healthier food and walking on her driveway to the mailbox.

At first she admitted it was a struggle, but after losing 20 pounds she moved on to indoor bike riding and longer walks around her local area. 

She also started eating fish - a food that she did not used to like - and once she had lost 50lbs she joined the weight loss group Taking Off Pounds Sensibly for support. 

Diane said sugary foods such as candy and ice cream are still 'temptations', adding: 'Staying healthy is a constant, every day decision.'

She said the weight loss has taken decades of her mental age as she urged others: 'Don't put it off'.

She added: 'No-one gets any younger, and the younger you are, the easier it is. I started at 59, which proves anyone can do it.'

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