'She squealed with delight': Carrie Fisher was very happy with Princess Leia's appearance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 

In an upbeat postscript to a sad story, Carrie Fisher was very happy with the work filmmakers did on her signature character, Princess Leia, in the recently-released Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

In the film, which takes place on a franchise timeline just prior to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, Norway-born actress Ingvild Deila stood in for the Leia role with the film's special effects team imposing elements of Fisher, who was 19-years-old when she tried out for the initial 1977 film in the famed franchise, into the frames.

'She was involved in the process and, you know, she saw the final result and she loved it,' said Lucasfilm chief creative officer/visual effects supervisor John Knoll in an interview with ABC News Thursday.

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Seal of approval: Carrie Fisher, who died two weeks ago at 60, 'squealed with delight' after seeing how Star Wars filmmakers handled Princess Leia's character in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The actress was snapped in November in LA

Fisher, who died at 60 December 27, 'got to see the scene' when Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy 'showed it to her.

'I got a call afterwards from Kathy saying, "Well, Carrie loved it,"' Knoll said.

Kennedy 'said [Fisher] squealed with delight' in watching the finished product, Knoll told BuzzFeed Friday, noting that Fisher kept tabs on the blockbuster movie throughout the process.

Legendary Leia: Fisher was a key player in the film's trilogy, as the principal heroine to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo 

Tragic: Fisher and mother Debbie Reynolds, who were buried in a double service Friday, appeared at the SAG awards in LA in January 2015

Fisher 'saw the work in progress and saw the finished results, and was very happy with it,' he told the online outlet, adding that filmmakers 'could only proceed if Carrie liked what we were doing.'

Knoll told ABC that the work done in Rogue One made for 'a really good match to what [Fisher] looked like in' the first film.

'We had really good scans of her and ... we matched a couple of frames very exactly with our CG model and then sort of bounced back and forth between our render and the archival frame,' Knoll told the network of the techniques used to recreate the younger Leia.

Fate: Fisher and Ford prime for a kiss in The Star Wars Episode V - Empire Strikes Back in 1980

Reunited and it feels so good: The film icons embraced in Star Wars - The Force Awakens in 2015

In his chat with BuzzFeed, Knoll said he was unsure of how filmmakers would proceed in the wake of the death of Fisher, who was buried next to her her mother Debbie Reynolds in a private service at Forest Lawn - Hollywood Hills Friday.

'They wrapped principal photography on Episode VIII about six months ago, so they’ve shot her whole role. I know that they were expecting her to have a pretty sizable role in Episode IX, and now that’s all going to be changed,' he said. 'But I don’t know what the plans are.

'I haven’t been involved in any conversation about a technological solution.' 

Return: Fisher was one of the main draws in marketing for Star Wars - The Force Awakens 

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