Detectives question George Michael's lover Fadi Fawaz as senior detectives take over the inquiry amid fears the singer was killed by a drugs overdose 

  • Fadi Fawaz, a hairdresser, was questioned by police about pop star's death
  • Michael, 53, died on Christmas Day at home in Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire 
  • Police officers will report back to the coroner who will eventually hold inquest  
  • The star had a history of abusing drugs and had been gone to rehab at least once 

George Michael's lover has been questioned by police amid fears he died of a drugs overdose, it was revealed today.

The megastar's partner Fadi Fawaz has been interviewed by officers who are also trying to trace everyone who visited his Oxfordshire mansion in the week before he died on Christmas Day.

Mr Michael, 53, was found dead in his bed at home in Goring-on-Thames, apparently from heart failure.

Mr Fawaz, who says he was sleeping in his car and later found his body, has now been interviewed by police about what he knows about Michael's final days and hours.  

Friends of the Wham! star claim Fadi and Michael, pictured in 2012, had already been 'estranged' for 18 months when the hairdresser found him dead in bed on Christmas Day 

Fadi Fawaz is seen arriving at his home near London's Regents Park yesterday

Mr Fawaz said he found Michael's 'lifeless' body in his bed at the cottage when he went to wake him up ahead of a pre-planned Christmas Day lunch. The pair are pictured in London in 2012

Thames Valley Police will speak to relatives, friends and neighbours before they send a report to Oxfordshire's coroner.

A spokesman said: 'This is standard practice in cases such as this to allow the coroner to determine the circumstances of the death'. 

They denied it has become a Major Crime investigation but senior detectives are involved.

A source told MailOnline: 'In a high profile case like this you wouldn't send a Pc to deal with it. It requires a senior detective'.  

Detectives had asked a paparazzi agency to hand over the pictures it took showing who was coming and going from the star's house before he died. 

Last week a post-mortem examination proved 'inconclusive' but the results of toxicology tests could shed new light on the star's death, which is currently classed as 'non-suspicious'. 

Detectives fear he may have been killed by a drugs overdose.

Mr Fawaz, 40, who lives near London's Regent's Park, was questioned this week by police.

Police officers are compiling a report for the Oxfordshire coroner, Darren Salter, who will hold an inquest later this year.  

Mr Fawaz, who found Michael's body, claimed recently his Twitter page had been hacked after tweets were posted claiming the singer had 'tried to kill himself many times'.

Last week the Australian-born hair stylist told the Daily Mirror he fell asleep in his car on Christmas Eve and added: 'I never saw him that night. The police know everything. That’s the most important thing.'

Mr Fawaz was photographed in the street this week and appeared appeared to be feeling the strain from the past two weeks.

In a statement about Michael's death, Mr Fawaz - who had been in a relationship with Michael since 2009 - spoke about how excited they had been to share Christmas together. 

He said: 'We were supposed to be going for Christmas lunch. I went round there to wake him up and he was just gone, lying peacefully in bed.

'We don't know what happened yet. Everything had been very complicated recently, but George was looking forward to Christmas, and so was I.'

Fadi Fawaz (pictured) told a newspaper last week that he had fallen asleep in his car on Christmas Eve, shortly before George Michael's death

Under pressure: George Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz looked tense as he appeared to argue with a man in the street in London this week

Mr Fawaz later tweeted that he would 'never stop missing' the star. 

Days later, he posted a poignant link to one of star's 'lost' songs online, but had to take it down amid a legal row over property rights.

The song, 'This Kind of Love', was from the Wham! star's unreleased album Trojan Souls. 

The song includes the touching lyrics: 'Now everyone has to get over I know. But this empty house seems to get colder and colder. So won't you stay here with me?

'Now that I found you. I can't let you go.'

But Mr Fawaz later removed the link as lawyers for Michael's estate attempt to have the song wiped from the internet, citing intellectual property rights. 

Then, on New Year's Day, posts on Mr Fawaz's Twitter account claimed the singer had 'tried numbers of time to kill himself many times' and had 'finally managed'. 

They read: 'The only thing George wanted is to DIE. He tried numbers of time to kill himself many times...

'And finally he managed...

'We loved each other very much and we were together almost 24 hours a day...' (sic)

Mr Fawaz later denied writing the tweets, saying the account had been hacked.

He said: 'I am shocked with what's going on with the Twitter thing. It's a bit scary to be honest. I did not send those tweets.' 

Fawaz also denied sending tweets saying the star was suicidal and had 'tried to kill himself many times', instead insisting his Twitter account had been hacked

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