Chilling proof Russia has nuclear-capable missiles in Syria: Alarming satellite image obtained by Israeli intelligence shows rockets ready to launch at coastal military base  

  • The image shows rockets on mobile launchers at a military base at Latakia
  • The new SS-26 Iskander missiles have a range of 350 miles
  • It puts the UK air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri easily within range

This is the alarming picture which reveals that the Russian army has deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to war-torn Syria.

The satellite image was obtained by Israeli intelligence and shows rockets on mobile launchers at a military base at Latakia on the Mediterranean coast.

The new SS-26 Iskander missiles have a range of 350 miles, putting the UK air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri – little more than a hundred miles away – easily within range.

The satellite image was obtained by Israeli intelligence and shows rockets on mobile launchers at a military base at Latakia

Russia has provided large-scale military support to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in the conflict, which has killed 400,000 people.

Last night, security experts said the missiles were the most advanced ever produced by Russia and had been sent to Syria on a ‘dry run’. 

Igor Sutyagin, a senior research fellow in Russian studies at think-tank RUSI, said: ‘Syria is like a huge test area for Russia. These missiles are a generational step ahead of what it had before.’

The new SS-26 Iskander missiles have a range of 350 miles putting the UK air base on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri easily within range


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