Mommy's little jetsetter! Jennifer Garner goes casual cool as she takes daughter Seraphina for flight out of LAX for eighth birthday

Jennifer Garner went the extra mile to make her daughter's birthday extra special. 

The actress, who separated from Ben Affleck after 10 years of marriage, was seen at LAX Airport on Friday with her second child Seraphina, who turned eight that day.

The mom held her child's hand as they strolled through the terminal in good spirits. 

Off and away: Jennifer Garner was spotted on Friday at LAX Airport with her daughter Seraphina who's celebrating her eighth birthday

The 44-year-old wore a cream colored sweater with tight jeans and black boots. 

She added on a black scarf that showed off her casual yet comfortable style for the winter weather. She also appeared to be makeup free underneath her sunglasses as she exuded her natural beauty.

It's unclear exactly where the ladies were headed off to, but odds are likely that it was to celebrate Seraphina's birthday.

Birthday girl: The star's daughter turned eight on Friday and wore a pretty crown

A new year: As Seraphina celebrates her birthday, she walked with her mom through the terminal. The 44-year-old sported a white coat with tight jeans and black boots

The eight-year-old was dressed for her big day in a Happy Birthday crown while holding a stuffed unicorn.

She sported a white shirt with matching pants and black boots similar to her mom's.

Sera carried a backpack with her as she and her mother prepared to take off.

Getting big: The child brought a stuffed unicorn on her trip as she turns another year older

Little is growing up and looking a lot like her parents these days.

Jennifer and Ben have two other kids Violet, 11, and Samuel, four.

The actors announced their separation in June 2015, one day after their wedding anniversary.

Not going? Jen's estranged husband Ben Affleck may be up to something else as he wasn't seen with his daughter, but was spotted in Los Angeles on Friday

Day out: The actor was seen with a mystery woman on Thursday, giving the impression that he may have moved on from his wife

Ben was spotted in Beverly Hills, California with a mystery woman on Thursday.

As they walked down the sidewalk, the mystery woman held onto the actor's arm giving some insight if there is a romance between these two.

The Oscar winner is expected to reprise his role as Batman in the character's own feature film. 

On the East Coast: Later on Friday, Garner and her daughter touched down at New York's JFK airport

In the Big Apple: The actress seemed upbeat and very happy after the cross-country trip

Ready to party: No doubt there was a special treat in store for the birthday girl

Holding on: She kept a tight hold on Seraphina's hand as they walked through the terminal while the youngster kept a tight hold of her plush unicorn

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