What could possibly go wrong? Shocking video of a young child riding an 8ft ALLIGATOR at a birthday party

  • A young girl rides on the back of a fully grown alligator in a shocking video 
  • Child is told to pose with her thumbs up on top of 8ft creature at a kids' party
  • Online critics have slammed footage as cruel to the animal and risky to the child

An astonishing video has emerged of a young girl riding a fully grown alligator during a kids’ party in the States.

The youngster grips on to the fearsome predator's back and attempts to pose for a photo for her mother but the animal instead carries her away to the laughter of excited children and parents, off camera.

The controversial footage, which was allegedly shot during one of Jim Nesci’s Cold Blooded Creatures' events, which promote ‘conservation through education’, has started to go viral.

The Chicago-based company throws children’s birthday parties with Bubba the alligator described as ‘a living dinosaur’. 

The video was shot at one of these educational events, according to Viral Nova

Bubba was rescued from the Chicago area and is over 8ft long and weighs over 90kg, according to the company’s website.

The short clip, which has attracted almost 30,000 YouTube views, is entitled Katie Rides An Alligator and has been making waves online after re-emerging recently, although it was shot in 2013.

The shocking video begins with the reptile pacing slowly along a mat, seemingly weighed down by the child on its back. A trainer tells the girl of around seven years old to put her thumbs up so that her mother can take a photograph

The shocking video begins with the reptile pacing slowly along a mat, seemingly weighed down by the child on its back.

A trainer tells the girl of around seven-years-old to put her thumbs up so that her mother can take a photograph.

But as the creature lies on the ground, the anxious child leaps off it at the first opportunity.

She is coaxed by the adults to sit back on the alligator for the camera.

The youngster poses with her thumbs up but is carried away by the creature as it veers away from the spectator trying to take her photograph.

Katie smiles, the animal flashes its teeth and hilarity ensues among the off camera audience. Coming to a halt the animal lies on the ground and the trainer says ‘good boy’.

A child's voice off camera can be heard exclaiming: 'That's awesome.' 

From the footage it is unclear what level of risk the ‘tamed’ creature poses to the child.

Outraged commenters have slammed the footage for putting the child in danger and criticised it as animal abuse.

Three days ago, Youtuber SimplyLatino wrote: ‘This isn't funny at all. That animal can easily turn and kill that little girl. This is simply irresponsible. ’

The youngster is carried away by the creature as it veers away from the spectator trying to take her photograph

Through reptile education programmes and parties families can also opt to ride a giant tortoise or hold a python.

Jim Nesci is described on his website as ‘an experienced expert in the reptile industry’ who has appeared with his reptiles on The Oprah Show, Animal Planet and The Tonight Show, among others.

Commenting on the footage, Elisa Allen, Director from Peta UK told MailOnline: 'Remember the outrage when Steve Irwin dangled his child near an alligator? Such foolhardy behaviour risks a child's life, and this child's parents should be reported to social services.

'Since alligators are deadly predators, common sense tells us that it's dangerous and witless to place children on their backs. 

'Keeping alligators captive and treating them as wind-up toys is also detrimental to their health and well-being. These wild animals should be left in peace, not harassed by humans and certainly not treated as part of some callous and idiotic sideshow.'

Katie smiles, puts her thumbs up and the animal flashes its teeth for the audience

American alligators can grow up to 11 feet long and can weigh 450kg and reside in rivers, lakes and swamps in the southern United States.

They are carnivores and have a bite force of 2,125 pounds per square inch, which is the third most powerful bite of the animal kingdom, according to Science Focus.

Last June, MailOnline reported on a toddler who was killed by an alligator at Disney World in Florida.

Lane Graves was paddling just ten feet from the shore of the Seven Seas Lagoon at the upscale resort on June 14 when he was attacked by the predator and dragged into the water.

His body was found 'intact' in the water 17 hours later.

MailOnline has contacted Jim Nesci for comment. 


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