Saturday, February 04, 2006

More violence

It's happened again, this time at Australia's most famous beach, Bondi in Sydney.

A group of six young people, including a female, suffered multiple stab wounds after being attacked by a large group of men "of Middle Eastern appearance" armed with knives and bottles.

More here.


  1. I hope this won't have to happen many more times before the bulk of Aussies wake up to the threat among them. Aussies are rambunctious and strong people. I, as an American, am counting on them to stand up to this behavior.

    These foreign muslims are really a piece of work, aren't they? Jeez, the sheer gall of it - going to another country because your own country is a hellhole where a decent life can't be had, and then attacking your hosts. Viscious animals.

  2. Its time that Moron Moroney and his buddy boy Morris got slashed and cut in the streets so the rest of us can stand around and do nothing.These scum went soft on the mozlem threat and didnt provide us with the protection that we as taxpayers demand.The philladelphia trumpet is the only press so far to have reported the cronulla incident as being perpetrated by " lebbanese muslims", so the media in Australia went soft, and then why are Bikie gangs dictating terms of truce between muslims and surfies? The police cant even cope. I honestly believe a day is coming when average aussies tool up with some heavy weapons and just go clear out these ungratefuls from the streets of Lakemba etc, They dont wish to be referred to as Australians. They can piss off back to their shithole of a country from whence they came.For years and years the mozlem media has depicted jews in demoralizing cartoons, but when a danish paper depicts the faggot prophet with a bomb on his head they have their consul attacked by barabarians. these people dont belong in Australia or anywhere else, they belong in a zoo.Like the rest of the animals. Think of it this way, the next time there is an earthquake in an islamic country, or a tsunami or a crisis.......send NO CASH. Every mozlem that dies now will not breed another 10 to compete with the wests next geneartion.Send nothing, dont help them. Let the animals starve and die, who cares. I dont care anymore.I wouldnt give a mozlem the crumbs off my bread.

  3. I completely, 100% agree with anonymous.

    It is sickening to watch the police in these Western nations under attack just stand by and do nothing for fear of upsetting the muslims. That is astounding. The sheer pandering cowardice of it will be a blot on the record of these police organization in the future when we look back on this. If the moslims are so dangerous that the police don't dare to treat them with the same force they would treat any other threat, then that alone is a red flag that these people must be pushed out of the country, and now.

    And I agree that it will probably end up coming down to vigilante action to push these aliens out of our societies. And honestly there's nothing I would like to see more than these moslims hauled down to some ships by the scruff of their necks and sent packing right back to Arabia. My only hesitation is that if it is done too early, before the majority of the public is thoroughly, 100% committed to getting them out of the country, then the vigilante actions will appear to be very wrong and will swing public sympathy in favor of the muslims.

    For instance there was news that some right-wing organization in Denmark planned to burn a Koran in a demonstration. Now I personally believe that every frickin' Koran on earth ought to be burned (except a few in museums) so we can be rid of that poisonous scourge. But I don't want our people doing anything at all that makes our side look the least bad. It could take away all the momentum that these muslim idiots are handing us. I want them to continue their rioting and burning and sacking of is exactly what is required to wake up the soft liberal Western societies to what is going on.

    These muslims are so incredibly stupid in their strategic planning. If they want to take over the West (and they do) all they need to do is be quiet, nice citizens for a generation while their numbers increase to a majority. Then they could simply elect themselves to control in government and change the constitutions, etc, and take control without firing a shot. Instead they behave like savages and alert the West to the danger of their presence. The best thing we have going for us is how stupid these muslims are.

  4. (another anonymous here)

    >These muslims are so incredibly stupid in their strategic planning. If they want to take over the West (and they do) all they need to do is be quiet, nice citizens for a generation while their numbers increase to a majority. Then they could simply elect themselves to control in government and change the constitutions, etc, and take control without firing a shot. Instead they behave like savages and alert the West to the danger of their presence. The best thing we have going for us is how stupid these muslims are.

    That's true, Mark, but are most of our fellow citizens smart enough to learn the correct lessons from the Muslims' actions? Or will we stubbornly refuse to admit the obvious, and keep telling ourselves, as we have since 9/11, that "Islam is really a religion of peace, notwithstanding a few extremists here and there!".

  5. (another anonymous again)

    After all, the response of the West to AIDS, has been to attack "homophobia"; the gay-rights cause has made more headway since AIDS came about than it ever did before.

    We Westerners have a penchant, these days, for learning the wrong lessons.

  6. It is sickening to watch the police in these Western nations under attack just stand by and do nothing for fear of upsetting the muslims. That is astounding. The sheer pandering cowardice of it will be a blot on the record of these police

    It's not a matter of fear or cowardice. The police work for the government, the same government that imported the Lebanese in the first place. Why would the government that imported these people to wreak havoc on Australian society direct its employees to stop them? It's policy, gentlemen, not cowardice.
