30 December 2016

Obama escalates anti-Russian campaign with new sanctions and threats

By Patrick Martin, 30 December 2016

The executive order issued Thursday is nominally directed against Russian hacking, but constitutes a sweeping attack on democratic rights.

Obama signs his last Pentagon budget: A legacy of war and reaction

Russia and Turkey broker ceasefire in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 30 December 2016

The ceasefire, which excludes ISIS and Al Qaeda, as well as the Kurdish militia, is supposed to lay the foundations for peace talks in Kazakhstan.

Turkey claims to have brokered cease-fire in Syria

Turkey, Russia, Iran sign deal on Syria after shooting of Russian ambassador

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Berlin terror attack suspect was well known to German intelligence agencies

By Johannes Stern, 30 December 2016

The activities of Anis Amri, who allegedly drove a truck into a market in Berlin on December 19, were being actively monitored by local police and intelligence forces.

The Berlin terror attack: Is a section of the state trying to destabilize the German government?

German intelligence agent drove alleged perpetrator in Christmas market attack to Berlin

Berlin’s “red-red-green” state government sets up refugee ghettos made from shipping containers

By Franci Vier, 30 December 2016

The move makes clear that the coalition will continue the right-wing refugee policies of its Social Democrat-Christian Democrat predecessor.

“People are working two to three Saturdays in a row and they are laying people off”
Anger mounting among US autoworkers in wake of GM layoff announcement

By Shannon Jones, 30 December 2016

Young workers and temporary workers will be hardest hit by the layoffs as many gave up other jobs to work at GM.

Sinkhole in Detroit suburb highlights decay of US infrastructure

By a WSWS reporting team, 30 December 2016

The rupture of a sewer line in the north Detroit suburb of Fraser forced the evacuation of at least 22 homes over the Christmas weekend.

Louisiana police illegally jailed hundreds without charges

By Tom Hall, 30 December 2016

Residents of Evangeline Parish have been subjected to warrantless “investigative holds” lasting days, in flagrant violation of their Fourth Amendment rights.

General Motors announces mass layoffs of workers in the US

More on autoworkers struggles »

UK: Sheffield’s 82-year-old Central Library under threat due to cuts

By Tony Robson, 30 December 2016

The Labour-run council has reduced spending on services by £300 million since 2011 as the central government grant has been cut by 50 percent.

UK: “Localism” flagship Bristol City Council on verge of bankruptcy

Arms maker Lockheed Martin opens University of Melbourne research centre

By Eric Ludlow and Will Morrow, 30 December 2016

In recent years, Melbourne has been transformed into a regional hub for US and Australian military research and development.

Slavery and trafficking in Thai fishing industry

By John Braddock, 30 December 2016

Despite claims by Thailand’s military regime that it has increased regulation in the fishing industry, slavery and gross exploitation remain endemic.

New Zealand: Report reveals rampant exploitation of migrant workers

By Sam Price, 30 December 2016

A University of Auckland researcher has documented widespread abuse, threats and underpayment of vulnerable migrant workers.

New in Russian

Российский нефтяной гигант «Роснефть» продает крупный пакет акций западным компаниям

Иван Гелиопольский, 30 декабря 2016 г.

По мере того, как Россия погружается в пучину экономического кризиса, Кремль распродает государственную собственность, — в частности, западным инвесторам, — пытаясь защитить интересы российской олигархии.

New in Italian

Il Monte dei Paschi di Siena cerca il salvataggio dallo Stato

Alex Lantier e Marianne Arens, 30 dicembre 2016

Mentre l’Europa scivola ancor più in un burrone economico, decine di miliardi di euro stanno per essere consegnati nelle mani dell’aristocrazia finanziaria attraverso un bailout che prepara la scena per ulteriori attacchi sociali.

New in Turkish

2016’te “dünyada barış” yoktu

Andre Damon, 30 Aralık 2016

1917 Rus Devrimi’nin yüzüncü yıldönümü olan 2017, savaşa karşı mücadeleyi, bir kez daha, insanlığın en önemli ve en acil siyasi görevi haline getirecektir.

Türkiye, Suriye’deki ateşkese arabuluculuk yaptığını iddia ediyor

, 30 Aralık 2016

Türk yetkililer, Suriye hükümet birliklerinin Halep’i bu ayın başlarında yeniden ele geçirmesinin ardından kentte ilan edilen ateşkesi Suriye’nin tamamına yayacak bir anlaşma konusunda anlaşmış olduklarını belirtti.

Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) 82 yaşında öldü

Hiram Lee, 30 Aralık 2016

Kanadalı şarkıcı ve söz yazarı Leonard Cohen, 7 Kasım günü, 82 yaşında, Los Angeles’ta öldü. Menajeri Robert Kory, kanser olan Cohen’in uykusunda düşerek öldüğünü açıkladı.

Berlin terör saldırısının ardından sağcı, göçmen karşıtı saldırı tırmanıyor

Peter Schwarz, 30 Aralık 2016

Pazartesi günü Berlin Noel pazarında gerçekleşen saldırının arka planını belirsizliğini koruduğu halde, politikacılar ve medya, onu, Almanya’da ve Avrupa genelinde sağcı bir saldırıyı başlatmak için kullanıyor.

Kuzey Kutup Bölgesi’nde sıcaklıklar yükselirken deniz buzu seviyesi rekor derecede düştü

Daniel de Vries, 30 Aralık 2016

Yaşlı ve daha kalın buzulların neredeyse tamamı, nispeten daha sıcak hava sırasında ek erimeye karşı bölgeyi daha da savunmasız bırakacak şekilde eriyip kaybolmuş ya da incelmiş durumda.

New in French

Obama signe son dernier budget du Pentagone: Un héritage de guerre et de réaction

Par Bill Van Auken, 30 décembre 2016

La signature par Obama du budget de la Défense nationale garantit que l'infâme prison de Guantanamo sera remise intact à Donald Trump.

La Turquie prétend avoir négocié un cessez-le-feu en Syrie

Par Alex Lantier, 30 décembre 2016

Mercredi, les autorités turques ont annoncé qu’elles avaient conclu un accord avec la Russie et l'Iran pour étendre un cessez-le-feu déclaré à Alep à toute la Syrie.

Un agent du renseignement allemand a conduit à Berlin l’auteur présumé de l’attentat contre le marché de Noël

Par Peter Schwarz, 31 décembre 2016

Une semaine après l’attentat, des demandes de suppression des droits démocratiques fondamentaux fusent de toutes parts.

New in German

Panikausbrüche in Einkaufszentren
Die US-Gesellschaft ist zum Zerreißen gespannt

Von Eric London, 30. Dezember 2016

Am Montag gab es überall in den USA Szenen von Massenpanik in Einkaufszentren. Tausende von Käufern flohen aus Angst vor Schießereien aus den Kaufhäusern – ein Gradmesser für gesellschaftliche Spannungen am Ende des Jahres 2016.

Berlin: Sicherheitsbehörden überwachten Attentäter bis kurz vor dem Anschlag

Von Johannes Stern, 30. Dezember 2016

Eineinhalb Wochen nach dem verheerenden Anschlag auf den Weihnachtsmarkt in Berlin werden immer mehr Informationen über die engen Verbindungen der Sicherheitsbehörden zum mutmaßlichen Täter bekannt.

Türkei soll Waffenstillstand in Syrien ausgehandelt haben

Von Alex Lantier, 30. Dezember 2016

Obwohl der Waffenstillstand Medienberichten zufolge in der Nacht zum Freitag begonnen haben soll, ist das Abkommen zwischen der Türkei, Russland und dem Iran sehr fragil und sein Inhalt weitgehend unbekannt.

Die Kriegsbriefe von Clara Zetkin

Von Sybille Fuchs, 30. Dezember 2016

Clara Zetkins Kriegsbriefe sind ein höchst aktuelles Zeugnis des unermüdlichen Kampfs einer überzeugten Sozialistin gegen Chauvinismus, Militarismus und den Verrat der sozialdemokratischen Führung von 1914.

Other Languages


Israel-Palestine and the “two-state solution”

30 December 2016

John Kerry’s speech defending US abstention on a UN resolution criticising Israel’s expansionist policies was a warning that abandonment of the “two-state solution” could have explosive consequences.

Earlier Perspectives »

Notice to Our Readers

World Socialist Web Site New Year's Holiday Schedule

The WSWS will not publish on Monday, January 2. We will resume our regular schedule of postings on Tuesday, January 3. The WSWS extends season’s greetings to all of our readers.

From the Archives

The End of the USSR

By David North, 30 December 2016

On December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union (also known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)--which emerged out of the socialist revolution of October 1917--was formally dissolved by the Stalinist regime led by Mikhail Gorbachev. The destruction of the Soviet Union was the outcome of the anti-socialist and nationalist policies of the ruling bureaucracy. On January 4, 1992, David North, national secretary of the Workers League (predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party), delivered a report which explained the historical background and significance of the end of the USSR. To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of this critical event, the World Socialist Web Site is posting North's report.


Trumka on Trump: AFL-CIO chief urges president-elect to work with unions to save capitalism

By Jerry White, 30 December 2016

AFL-CIO head Trumka wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times offering the services of the unions to suppress working-class opposition to the incoming administration.

World’s richest increased their wealth by $237 billion in 2016

By Nick Beams, 29 December 2016

Panic at America’s malls: Class tensions at the breaking point

By Eric London, 28 December 2016

Japanese PM visits Pearl Harbor


At the Public Theater in New York City
Sweat: An honest depiction of the American working class

By Fred Mazelis, 30 December 2016

The play, set in impoverished Reading, Pennsylvania, is headed for a run on Broadway.

Carrie Fisher and the Star Wars phenomenon

By David Walsh, 29 December 2016

Exile as an Intellectual Way of Life: The collaboration of Lion Feuchtwanger and Bertolt Brecht

Allied: Conventional warfare


Great Barrier Reef suffering worst-ever coral bleaching

By Bryan Dyne, 30 December 2016

Global warming has caused the worst destruction of corals ever recorded on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

30 December 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Chicago transit workers protest concession demands

Mehring Books

Final Week! Mehring Books Holiday Sale|
Leon Trotsky and the struggle against fascism

28 December 2016

For the final week of the Mehring Books Holiday sale we are featuring works dealing with the fight against the rise of fascism in the 1930s.

100 Years since the Russian Revolution
Mehring Books announces centenary edition of landmark documentary, Tsar to Lenin

12 December 2016

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lankan SEP and workers’ action committee oppose attacks on plantation workers

By our correspondent, 28 December 2016

Sri Lanka: Political lessons of the Hambantota port strike

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

NYU, the Gulf monarchies and university-backed political repression

By Daniel de Vries, 28 December 2016

IYSSE holds meeting on political censorship at New York University

By IYSSE reporting team, 20 December 2016

The election of Donald Trump

Trump’s new White House office for trade war

By Peter Symonds, 24 December 2016

Trump’s tweet and the danger of nuclear war

Trump names billionaire corporate raider Icahn to slash regulations on business

By Patrick Martin, 23 December 2016

As Electoral College rubber-stamps election
Trump adds another billionaire to his administration

Trump names hard-line “deficit hawk” to head budget office

More on the 2016 US elections »

Security and the Fourth Internaional

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

Security and the Fourth International
The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two
Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?


Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov (1856–1918): His Place in the History of Marxism

By David North and Vladimir Volkov, 5 December 2016

On December 11, the international socialist movement marks the 160th anniversary of the birth of the “father of Russian Marxism,” Georgi Valentinovich Plekhanov.

25 years ago: The juridical liquidation of the Soviet Union

On December 26, 1991, the old flag of tsarist Russia was raised over the Kremlin for the first time since the 1917 October Revolution, marking the official end of the Soviet Union.

More »

50 year ago: De Gaulle attacks US war in Vietnam

On December 31, 1966, French President Charles De Gaulle used his annual New Year’s address to France to issue forth a sharp criticism of the US war in Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: Battle of the Kerch Peninsula in Crimea begins

In the week beginning December 26, 1941 the Red Army launched amphibious operations in the Black Sea to relieve the Nazi encirclement of the Soviet garrison at Sebastapol in Crimea.

More »


100 years ago: Rasputin murdered in Petrograd

On December 30, 1916, Grigori Rasputin, the Siberian-born monk who had exerted inordinate influence over the Tsarist regime, and had a particularly close relationship with the Tsarina, was murdered in Petrograd.

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