John Newman murder: Phuong Ngo loses last appeal for life sentence

The man convicted of murdering NSW Labor MP John Newman in Australia's first political assassination has failed in his bid to appeal his life sentence in the High Court.

In a decision which closes the last available avenue of appeal in the infamous murder case, on Friday Chief Justice Robert French and Justice Patrick Keane summarily dismissed an application by the killer, Phuong Ngo.

Ngo was jailed for life without the possibility of parole or review in November 2001 for ordering the assassination of Mr Newman, his political rival in the Labor Party, in September 1994.

Mr Newman was shot dead in the driveway of his Cabramatta home on September 5, 1994 and Ngo was charged with murder in 1998.

After an aborted trial in 1999 and a hung jury in 2000, a third trial in 2001 convicted Ngo of ordering the killing but acquitted the two men accused of the shooting.

The sentencing judge, Justice John Dunford, said Ngo's motive was "naked political ambition and impatience" and his culpability was so extreme that only a life sentence could meet the "community's interest in retribution, punishment, community protection and deterrence".


After an attempt to appeal the sentence to the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal was rejected on the grounds that it was out of time, Ngo, represented by Legal Aid took the matter to the High Court.

On Friday counsel for Ngo, Michael Lee SC argued that the life sentence had not been imposed in accordance with the law at the time of the offence.

He said that Justice Dunford did not properly take into account the "subjective factors" in relation to Ngo such as his remorse and prospects of rehabilitation.

Rather, Mr Lee said, the judge had decided the objective seriousness of the crime warranted a life sentence under the Sentencing Procedure Act, and thus any other factors were secondary.

"A sentencing judge under the [laws at the time of the offence] would of course have account of those subjective factors...by the process of synthesis," Mr Lee said.

"But that process didn't occur."

"If the person had have been sentenced according to law it wouldn't have necessarily been the sentence that is currently visited upon him."

But the judges rejected Mr Lee's argument finding that, regardless of which sentencing laws were used and how subjective factors were taken into account, the seriousness of the crime warranted the imposition of a life sentence.

"The level of the sentence was amply justified and would, in all probability, have lead to the same sentence being imposed [regardless]."