Social work services

Social workers can provide short term counselling, support and information to help you through a difficult time and refer you to other support services.

How we can help you

Social workers can help if you are experiencing a crisis, are in need of support, or are unsure how to access the right assistance.

People of all ages can talk to social workers about a range of issues, including:

  • family and domestic violence
  • homelessness
  • relationship breakdown
  • loss and bereavement
  • mental health and
  • addictions

Social workers provide:

  • short term counselling and support for difficult personal or family issues
  • information about government and community support services and referrals to them
  • support for difficulties you are having in meeting our obligations or your requirements
We provide information in your language about our social work services.

Trained and accredited

All our social workers hold a social work degree accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). The AASW is the only Australian professional organisation for social workers, setting benchmarks for education and practice in social work. We regularly consult with AASW to maintain the highest professional standards.

Who we help

Social workers prioritise people with highly complex needs who don’t have support from family or other services in the community including if you are:

  • experiencing suicidal thoughts or mental distress
  • a young person
  • experiencing family or domestic violence, homelessness or hardship

Mental health

If you are experiencing depression, anxiety or have been diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder, you may find it helpful to talk to somebody about your situation. Read more about mental health support services available in your state or territory.

Experiencing violence

If you are experiencing family or domestic violence, social workers can offer you counselling and support. We can help you access services in the community including:

  • specialist family and domestic violence services
  • emergency accommodation and longer term housing assistance
  • financial assistance
  • counselling
  • health services
  • legal services

Natural disaster support

Our social workers can provide counselling, support and information about the services that are available if you have been affected by natural disaster.

Call 180 22 66 if you have been affected by a natural disaster and would like to arrange to speak with a social worker.


Social workers are required to treat all your personal and family information in accordance with law, including the Privacy Act 1988.

Social workers can only pass on information about you, such as referring you to an organisation for assistance, where you have agreed or it is required or authorised by law.

If you need an interpreter to speak with a social worker, the interpreter is also required to treat your information in accordance with these obligations.

Read more about how we will manage your personal information and your right to privacy.

How to contact a social worker

Contact a social worker by:

  • calling 132 850 and ask to speak to a social worker, or
  • visiting your local service centre to be referred to a social worker

You can bring a family member or a friend to your appointment.

If you need an interpreter, let us know and we can arrange one for you.

Manage your money

Getting control of your money can be hard, but we’ve got some great advice and tools to help. Read more about budgeting, borrowing and credit, and managing debt, to help manage your money.

Page last updated: 11 October 2016