Connect with us on social media

You can connect with us through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and our online forum. Ask us questions and stay up to date.

Facebook, Twitter and Google+


We manage the following accounts:

Department of Human Services

The @HumanServicesAU account answers your questions and provides information and updates about our payments and services.



Hank Jongen

Hank is our spokesperson and General Manager. Hank gives updates on topics relevant to you and his upcoming media interviews.


Student Update

The Student Update Facebook and Twitter accounts give students and trainees information about payments and services. We answer questions, give useful tips and updates on relevant issues.


Family Update

The Family Update Facebook and Twitter accounts provide information about payments and services. We answer questions and give updates on topics and issues for families.



The myGov Twitter account answers your questions and provides information about myGov. For information about member services, contact them direct.

Department of Human Services National Graduate Program

The National Graduate Program account gives potential applicants information and updates about the program and the recruitment process.



The Centrelink Twitter account answers your questions and provides information and updates about payments and services specific to Centrelink.

YouTube channels

Our YouTube channels have instructional videos and feature up to date information on our programs and services, myGov member services and insight into our customers and staff.


Online forum

speechbubble is an online forum where our customers, staff and stakeholders can provide feedback and ideas.

We run speechbubble consultations throughout the year for 1 to 2 weeks at a time. You can find out when speechbubble is running by subscribing or by following us on Twitter and Facebook.

Participants can post anonymous comments that we use to improve our service. We facilitate the discussion, ask questions and give answers.

We publish the outcomes of consultations on the speechbubble website.

Social media survey

Your feedback helps us to improve our services. You may be asked to do a quick survey after you interact with us on social media. This 60 second survey is optional.

Social media in the department

We use social media to communicate with the public and our stakeholders about our payments and services.

Read more about social media in the department.

Page last updated: 27 October 2016