Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. update : Rain

  2. Flight cancelled. Flight delayed. Flight cancelled. Flight moved til tomorrow. Fml draining AF. 😑❌✈️

  3. Home sweet home - .

  4. Power out 7 hrs+. Vic incident map looks like Hubble space telescope image of andromeda! Lappy battery dying.

  5. Three times in a row the has caused my flight to be delayed or cancelled. Maybe it's a sign I should stay in Sydney.

  6. I'm blown away by this weather.

  7. I spoke too soon. We are yet to take off. We'll get there.

  8. Trampoline went for a tumble need to replace a section of fence

  9. Amazed the power is still on (so far)

  10. "Do you ever feel, like a plastic chair, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again"

  11. And a blackout in Melbourne. Must be all those wind farms

    Txio hau ez dago eskuragarri.
  12. Crazy weather in Melb causes airport dramas |

  13. I'm 12 floors up in an office tower with inch thick glass and I can feel my ears popping.

  14. It's getting out there. We've had the rain, now 120km/h gusts are on their way. Photo

  15. Wild wind but no rain at @bonbeachfarmersmarket today! We are now running tent free!

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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