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Airport gunman suspect chose Florida to carry out attack, FBI

Under questioning: Esteban Santiago, 26, the suspect in the deadly shooting.

The suspect in Florida's deadly airport shooting apparently chose to travel to Fort Lauderdale to carry out the rampage, and there are no signs there was any altercation on the flight or at baggage claim prior to the attack, authorities said on Saturday.

Trump picks Dan Coats as intelligence director

Dan Coats will oversee 17 security agencies.

President-elect Donald Trump nominated former Indiana Senator Dan Coats as US director of national intelligence, giving the retired lawmaker oversight of the spy agencies that have drawn scepticism from Trump.

Gunman in Florida airport attack may have heard voices, officials

Esteban Santiago, 26, the suspect in the deadly shooting at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, is taken ...

Federal law enforcement officials said they were investigating whether the gunman who opened fire at the airport in Fort Lauderdale on Friday, killing five people and wounding eight, was mentally disturbed and heard voices in his head telling him to commit acts of violence.

Investigators seek motive in Florida airport shooting

US airport gunman Esteban Santiago is expected to be charged with murder later today.

Federal investigators will on Saturday pursue all angles in determining the motives behind a mass shooting in which an attacker opened fire in a crowded baggage claim area at Fort Lauderdale's airport, killing five people.

Nobel Prize winners slam Trumponomics

Trump's plan for the US to spend itself out of trouble  just "won't work", says Nobel laureate and globalisation expert ...

A pack of Nobel Prize-winning economists has given Donald Trump and his policy plans the thumbs-down, with one warning the president-elect's programs could lead to a deep recession.

The show goes on

First-time (but not last time apparently) Summernats patrons Amy Judd and Chris Meli of Melbourne have spent five hours ...

Thousands of car enthusiasts flocked to Summernats less than 24 hours after a fellow patron died falling from the back of a ute.

Ruins in Googong point to the past

Richard Lansdowne recently discovered he is the great, great, great, great grandchild of Patrick Connolly, one of the ...

The remains of a fireplace, now preserved in-situ amid the bustling development, once belonged to Mr Lansdowne's ancestors - about five greats ago.

Russia aimed to influence US election, top spies tell Trump

President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Florida in December.

It was a heart-stopping moment at the intersection of American politics and intelligence – three spy chiefs confronting a Republican President-elect who for months has been mocking them, to tell him that yes, despite all his bluster, Russia had been rooting for him to defeat his Democratic challenger.

My Place

Central Park, Malvern: Each extra lap I complete feels like a small victory.

Twelve years ago my family and I swapped Central Park, New York, for Central Park, Malvern.