Renewed Calls For Slavery Reparations Provide Opportunity For Nationalists

by Brett Stevens (January 6th, 2017)
Renewed Calls For Slavery Reparations Provide Opportunity For Nationalists

Some Democrats have renewed calls for reparations for slavery of Africans in the United States: Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats this week re-introduced legislation that would set up a commission to consider whether reparations should be paid to black Americans for slavery. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has proposed the bill in […]

Lindy West Denies Her #AltRight Roots

by Brett Stevens (January 6th, 2017)
Lindy West Denies Her #AltRight Roots

Recent-vintage SJW writer Lindy West, who would be attractive as friend or love to both sexes if she were not both obese and neurotic, recently blamed the alt right for the failure of social media. This is convenient because social media is failing anyway because it has driven away the quality audience and replaced them […]

Dr. Peter Turchin Misses The Point

by Brett Stevens (January 6th, 2017)
Dr. Peter Turchin Misses The Point

As liberal democracy winds down to a crash, people are looking for excuses to blame anything but the obvious, which is our bad choices based on the illusions inherent to our intent. Dr. Peter Turchin, for example, writes about an illusory collapse which is external and thus can be scapegoated, instead of facing our own […]

Waste Of Time

by Brett Stevens (January 6th, 2017)
Waste Of Time

The struggle of our time has become clear: realists, who want civilization, stand against ideologues, who want to rationalize the decline by directing our attention with the false metric of “progress,” which is essentially virtue signaling for social status. Realists face a series of tough realizations. The first is how much recent politics was bungled; […]

Andrew Anglin, Meet Billy Roper

by Brett Stevens (January 5th, 2017)
Andrew Anglin, Meet Billy Roper

Hi, Andrew — Apparently, you have never met Billy Roper. Honestly, I had never even heard of this guy until this thread. — Andrew Anglin @ Stormfront It’s hard to believe you two have not met. After all, Mr. Roper has been active in this movement since at least the mid-1990s, and he has preserved […]

Presumed Guilty

by Brett Stevens (January 5th, 2017)
Presumed Guilty

The fallacy of democracy is assuming that the average person has the aptitude, concern or self-discipline to make leadership decisions. We know that only about 1% of the population at most make good surgeons, SEALs or fine artists; why do we assume that leadership is any different? People like democracy because in theory it neutralizes […]

Christopher Pankhurst Reviews Nihilism

by Brett Stevens (January 5th, 2017)
Christopher Pankhurst Reviews <em>Nihilism</em>

Over at Counter Currents, Christopher Pankhurst reviews my first book, Nihilism: A Philosophy Based In Nothingness And Eternity. Along with an earlier review by Peter Heft, this is among my favorite writings about the book because it grasps the difficult essence of its topic, active nihilism. In particular, the review establishes this excellent summary of […]

#BLMKidnapping: Clear Proof That #DiversityIsOver

by Brett Stevens (January 4th, 2017)
#BLMKidnapping: Clear Proof That #DiversityIsOver

Several African-Americans abducted, beat and tortured a mentally disabled white fellow and posted the video to social media. Among other things, statements against white people and Donald J. Trump were made, and the victim was humiliated with these statements. Video below — warning, this contains cruelty and violence: This is an obvious hate crime. If […]

George Soros: A Walking Case Study For Formalism

by Jonathan Peter Wilkinson (January 4th, 2017)
George Soros: A Walking Case Study For Formalism

When a smart person thinks of a really new and cutting-edge idea that person can be described as brilliant or deranged. The person is brilliant if a lot of people can actually understand and genuinely like the idea. If either or both forks of the and conditional above go unmet, the smart person gets tagged […]


by Brett Stevens (January 4th, 2017)

As the realization sets in that the functional side of humanity in the West has rejected Leftism and liberal democracy, the usual neurotics and unhappy people who make up the Left are campaigning to hide the dissent, as they always do. To that end, the little totalitarians have set up a list of Twitter accounts […]