Practical legal education

The College of Law & Justice offers a suite of programs designed to ensure you graduate with a legal education which emphasises practical experience.

Our partnerships with the courts and community legal services give you unique exposure to the real experience of the justice system.

These opportunities will challenge you through practical experiences in the justice and legal industry which provide you with the grounding needed for a real and rewarding career in law.

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A new 10-week internship with the Legal Services Department and Prosecutions Division of Victoria Police launched in November 2014. 

The program comprises a series of two-week placements in a variety of police specialist areas including Melbourne Prosecutions Unit, Research and Training Unit, Civil Advocacy Unit, Commissions and Inquiries Division, and Police Coronial Support Unit.

Six students will take part in the program, with plans to continue and expand in the future.

Magistrate's Courts program

Our partnerships with magistrate's courts and community legal services give you opportunities to apply your knowledge while you study.

The Magistrates' Court program operates in partnership between Victoria Law School and Victoria Legal Aid. You will work with the Victoria Legal Aid Duty Lawyer teams servicing the Magistrates' Courts at Melbourne, Sunshine and Werribee.

This program provides you with valuable grass roots insight into, and observation of the criminal justice system in action. This experience will help develop skills that will allow you to make a difference to the lives of real people.

County Court internship program

The County Court internship program is a joint initiative of VU's College of Law & Justice and the County Court.

This program allows you to spend a week with County Court Judge Phillip Misso examining court processes. You'll observe Judge Misso as he undertakes his judicial duties, including conducting research for judgments.

The four-day intensive internship offers you the opportunity to gain experience and insight into the County Court structure and its inner workings. The internship includes daily lectures by a sitting County Court Judge. You can also go on a behind the scenes tour of the various areas in the court building, including the Registry and a Judge's chambers.

As students in this program, you'll gain a practical and detailed understanding of the how the County Court works, how a file is run from start to finish, and exposure to various court proceedings.

Supreme Court internship program

The Supreme Court internship program has been developed following the success of the County Court internship program. With the support of the Hon. Justice Maxwell, President Court of Appeal and adjunct professor, VU's College of Law and Justice will be piloting the program with the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.

The program is modelled on the intensive County Court internship program and will offer you a unique opportunity to gain experience and insights into the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal structure and its inner workings.


Our College equips graduates for success in the real world with a world-class moot program. A moot court is a mock court which simulates the proceedings of a live court room (or a similar dispute resolution setting).

Your participation in the program offers a significant professional advantage. You are able to develop your legal skills to be better equipped for practise in the real world.

The Sunshine Youth Legal Centre (SYLC) will expose you to the world of the justice system for individuals and communities. The Centre is located in the busy youth service at the Visy Cares Youth Hub in Sunshine. It deals with clients from a range of backgrounds across a range of jurisdictions.

Students undertaking placements at the Centre have the opportunity to work in a legal practice, dealing with real clients and issues under supervision of a practising lawyer. Throughout your placement you'll interview clients, liaise with police and appear in court.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience a functioning legal practice and real life legal issues.

Family law internships

VU's partnership with Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) allows our students the opportunity for a six month work placement with the Family Law Division of VLA.

As part of this experience you will, with guidance from the professional VLA team, help people resolve family disputes and achieve safe, workable and enduring care arrangements for children.

VU law students have an opportunity for a six month work placement with the Wyndham CLC in their fines clinic. The successful student will alternate between file work and assisting the Principal Solicitor at Court.

As part of this experience you will manage your own clients from start to finish under the Principal Solicitor's supervision.