
My Place: Walking a new path in Malvern after life in New York

Despite leaving the Big Apple behind, Sarah Tidey found some Central Park joy.

Twelve years ago my family and I swapped Central Park, New York, for Central Park, Malvern.

With three children under four years old we soon discovered the charms of the early morning playground visit. Our breath came in foggy puffs as we pushed swings and darted between the slide and the fort as brave toddlers navigated the heights.

When the nearby cafe opened at 7am we were the first customers.

As the children grew older we came to Central Park to watch their school sports on the oval. This is where my husband taught them all to ride bikes, where my son perfected his drop punt, where my daughters practise their cross country training and gymnastic flips.

This is where we sing Carols at Christmas, where we eat fish and chips in summer, where my husband meets his mates twice a week for boot camp.

Recently, recovering from a serious illness I have been walking in the park each day for exercise. Each extra lap I complete feels like a small victory.

On the way I often meet friends or friends' children and we stop for a chat.

I laugh at the dogs going silly on the oval when their leashes come off.

I relish the majesty of the huge trees that rim the path, the vibrant green of the grass, the tang of the soil in the flower beds and I never get tired of walking the Central Park loop.