The persistence of poverty in Ontario

Decades of austerity have eroded social assistance in the province to the point where people are unable to feed themselves. Now the Wynne government is taking poverty reduction cues from the International Monetary Fund



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This is the easiest, softest place in the world

I'm sorry but extreme poverty and homelessness here in Ontario really comes back to 2 things: drug addiction and mental illness. There's really no other way to not be able to afford a roof over your head or to put food on the table. Our government will pay you money literally just to exist. I'm not sure what more we can do for people who squander the money they get on drugs and alcohol, or those who choose to live on the streets. As far as welfare is concerned, imo you should have to perform some kind of service to get the money. Workfare, I think is what the Harris government wanted to call it, and while I sure didn't agree with them on everything, I agreed on that. I also agree with programs to help people learn job skills and stuff like that. I just don't agree with giving money to trashy people who do nothing but shit out kids and leach off society. But it's good that we have a strong safety net, I'm a big believer in disability and EI and programs like that. But go around the world to where people live in real poverty, and when you come back here and see people whining it really makes you shake your head.

John 21 hours ago

Great post

Well said John. Sadly the obvious is frowned upon. But everything your wrote is pretty spot on.

Mike 19 hours ago


Many, many people who are injured in accidents get pawned off on OW & ODSP & have nothing to do with addiction. You want to hope you never have that experience. How short sighted & judgemental of you.

Ai-Van 17 hours ago

Ohhh wow

Unfortunately most of what you "know" about welfare is completely inaccurate. Even your "worldly" knowledge is wrong.

If someone is on Ontario Works they MUST be involved in a job related activity and most of the people on OW are enrolled in training programs, employment programs, literacy program or have health issues that prevent them from fulfilling the requirements. Most people on social assistance don't want to be on social assistance and if you think the amount of money someone receives on social assistance reflects an "easy" and "soft" country, you have no idea how much it costs to live comfortably here. On average an OW recipient would receive under $6000/ year and an ODSP recipient would get maybe $8000 or $9000. Do you think that is easy/ soft?

Ontario Works funds hundreds of job skills programs in the GTA that their clients access by the thousands. But arguably, and you'll find most politicians and economists agree that Mike Harris's strategy was a failure and a greater cost than anything.

Before you get on your soap box you may want to freshen up on your facts.

Lisa 13 hours ago

Do your homework, John!

Obviously, "John" has no idea how much people get on OW ... about $650 per month. That is for EVERYTHING --- rent, groceries, transportation, medications, everything. In most places, this does not even cover the rent!!! Most poor folks are not addicts. They can't afford to be. However, they are nineteen times more than people not on social assistance to attempt suicide ... and not because they are "mentally ill", but because OW makes their lives very difficult, if not impossible and the way out of poverty is blocked by welfare's multitude of rules, snakes and ladders just to ensure that whenever you get one foot up, welfare cuts you two feet down!

The Advocate 8 hours ago

What anti-poverty activists don't get:

When you lump those on disability with welfare recipients, you lose the support of the majority. When a member of our society is legitimately injured, or mentally or physically ill, they deserve every penny they get, and then some more. Lumping them in with those that simply don't work is offensive to the disabled, and the fact that the activists don't get that, shows why these programs will never be as effective as we would like them to be.
If a political party campaigns on raising both the minimum wage and welfare rates, they frequently lose the vote of the minimum wage worker, who resents having to get up at 4 or 5 in the morning for a small paycheck, while their neighbour sleeps away the morning.
A more fair and just society would raise disability rates by taking the money from welfare. Anyone can get a minimum wage job, it's not particularly difficult.
I strongly support a $15/hour minimum wage, and increased disability rates, while phasing out welfare altogether.
Until society unilaterally agrees that having children when you can't afford to look after them is a monumentally stupid idea, we will always have what we have now.

BuckdeSystem 23 hours ago


A large majority of injured people have to rely on welfare while going through the extremely long process of being approved for disability. In Ontario it's common knowledge amoungst even the employees of OW that ODSP denies 90% of applications. A minimum of 2 appeals need to be completed & they automatically tell you to get legal aid involved in order to be approved. This takes years in many cases. Every step in the system needs an overhaul.

Ai-van 17 hours ago

OW kills ....

Did you you ever have to sell everything you own? Drain all of your assets, including that "rainy day" fund you might use if your car breaks down? OW makes you strip down EVERYTHING so you have NOTHING and then they pay you next to nothing and expect you to house, feed and support yourself on less than $650 a month. Tell people to get a job. They need: (a) a way for employers to reach them; (b) access to the Internet' (c) access to education and training (which costs money); (d) access to good clothing; (e) dental care; (f) enough food and nutrition so people don't feel lethargic and sick; and (g) a place to live that they know they will continue to live for the next while and not worry each month about making rent. OW does none of that. Minimum wage jobs do exist but even then, there are not even enough of those jobs to go around to everybody and when they do hire they are usually zero hour contracts, where there is no guarantee of hours, nor is there accommodation for you to take on a second or even third job (which you;d have to do in order to keep a roof over your head and eat in the same month).

Jill 8 hours ago

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