Welcome to Solemen Indonesia

Solemen Indonesia (Solemen), an Indonesian registered non-profit charity primarily focusing our efforts on helping the disadvantaged in Bali, Indonesia. We are one of the most well known and trusted charities in Bali.

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  • mashqyza1

Muhammad Ashqyza -New Solebuddy

October 17th, 2016|Comments Off on Muhammad Ashqyza -New Solebuddy

Ashqy is a 3 year old little boy with a drooping eyelid. We have referred him to our partners at John Fawcett Foundation for diagnosis and treatment.

  • virindra1

Virindra Putra  -New Solebuddy

September 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Virindra Putra  -New Solebuddy

Virindra is an eight month old baby who had been suffering from a very painful undiagnosed skin condition. We accompanied both him and his mum who also has skin issues, […]

  • kartikayasa1

I Kadek Kartika Yasa  -New Solebuddy

September 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on I Kadek Kartika Yasa  -New Solebuddy

Kadek Karti Yasa is a 13 year old boy suffering from osteosarcoma (a form of bone cancer) to his leg. Amputation is the suggested treatment at this point which he […]

  • gustiputumudiasa

I Gusti Putu Mudiasa  -New Solebuddy

September 21st, 2016|Comments Off on I Gusti Putu Mudiasa  -New Solebuddy

Pak Gusti is a fifty year old man with multiple health issues. He requires kidney dialysis three times per week. Currently he has no easy access to transport and must […]

  • ketutnesa

Ketut Nesa – New Solebuddy

September 21st, 2016|Comments Off on Ketut Nesa – New Solebuddy

Bapak Ketut Nesar is a sixty year old man whose health suddenly deteriorated due to an undiagnosed illness. He is now unable to walk, his speech is slurred and he […]

  • kadekresta1

Kadek Resta -New Solebuddy

September 21st, 2016|Comments Off on Kadek Resta -New Solebuddy

Kadek Resta is a 23 year old young man who suffers from Epilepsy and Cerebral palsy. He has been confined to the floor or his bed all his life and […]

  • madegara2

I Made Gara -New Solebuddy

September 21st, 2016|Comments Off on I Made Gara -New Solebuddy

Pak Made Gara is a 56 year old man with multiple health issues which caused his impaired mobility. We provided him with a wheelchair and a tripod walking aid.

  • komangsupartini2

Komang Supartini -New Solebuddy

September 21st, 2016|Comments Off on Komang Supartini -New Solebuddy

Komang Supartini is a twenty year old young lady who suffered 45% burns in a tragic accident. Her recovery has been slower than anticipated. She has already been treated in […]


Thanks to SOLEMEN for the fantastic job they are doing in Bali Indonesia, they manage to bring many cultures together, bridging the gap to help the less fortunate in Bali.  Its fantastic to be able as an Australian, to see all the terrific work done by this highly motivated charity.  I currently run and operate businesses in Bali and also Australia and its such an honor to recommend them.
I am a British writer and photographer who has been resident in Indonesia since 2001. During that time I have supported many charitable organisations but have yet to find one that impacts so directly and so permanently improves the lives of some of the most impoverished, disadvantaged and often forgotten people in Indonesia.

I am a British writer and photographer who has been resident in Indonesia since 2001. During that time I have supported many charitable organisations but have yet to find one that impacts so directly and so permanently improves the lives of some of the most impoverished, disadvantaged and often forgotten people in Indonesia.

Solemen raise awareness, provide tireless support and aims to generate self sufficiency wherever possible. But above all they do it with a passion that compels.

What places the foundation apart, in my opinion and one reason why people should support them, is that they do it in open view – it is probably the most transparent organisation of its type I have ever seen using social media and general media coverage not just to generate support but to display its own accountability – this, I believe has contributed to the many successes. But there is a mountain to climb and so I strongly urge you to support Robert and his team in any way possible.

If we all could give just a little, the world would be a better place. Thankyou for all the good work you do and your generosity in helping others.
Jo Fennessy, Facebook friend
Solemen will be the perfect choice [for volunteering]. For me they do a marvelous job, Robert Epstone and Sarah Chapman you should check on them. They do something real!
Chris Gunawan, Facebook friend
I have great respect for the work you do, especially your caring for people with mental illness and education of their families.
Sue Cotton, Facebook friend
If we all could give just a little the world would be a better place. Thankyou for all the good work you do and your generosity in helping others.
Jo Fennessy, Facebook friend
Not all charity organizations can be trusted but Solemen has a good name. I like the fact that you support different people in need and not just kids or animals. There are so many people that need help and care and I’m happy I found a reliable organization that I can support.
Marlies van den Berg, Destination Manager Indonesia
The press is only reinforcing what we already know – Solemen Indonesia, you rock! :D
Stephanie Akker, Facebook friend
What would these people do without you? I feel so lucky just to know you angels, doing what you do for the world. There’s days I wish I could just do more for you. Take care and bless you all.
Corinda McNaughton , Facebook friend
The work you do is so selfless & compassionate. I’m incredibly grateful that there are people like you in this world that have put others needs before your own. You are returning health, respect & dignity to those that need it the most! Thank you
Charissa Harvey, Facebook friend
Inspirational work, thank you all.
Judi Jagger, Facebook friend
You guys are doing such amazing things, I feel privileged to have been part of it and to have made a contribution, big hugs to you all.
Paula McCabe, Facebook friend
Thank you for all that you do.
Judy Gordon, Facebook friend
You all do a great Job, so keep going!
Aad van den Boogaart, Facebook friend
Please share with your friends as the solemen do such an amazing job in Bali they need your help.
Maureen Tucci, Facebook friend
You are offering hope and practical support, unconditional love and a better future for so many. Your work is inspirational and we will support you with required items next time we check before coming to the island. Thank you on behalf of humanity.
Lizee Love, Facebook friend
I’ve been working in Disability/Mental Health for 34 years and I’m really touched and blown away by what I’m seeing and reading with your incredible organisation. You are all amazing people.
Sharon French, Facebook friend
I love your work. I’m really looking forward to meeting some of you and helping where I can, you Guys Rock! Bless You Solemen.
Jen Tredinnick, Facebook friend
Your extraordinary commitment to raising awareness to help the poor and homeless children in Indonesia is a perfect example of how a few men and women can make a tremendous impact on peoples’s lives.
That’s the awesomeness of your projects Robert – it’s never about a life of self-perpetuating charitable help – you have the insight to give the most apporiate ‘fishing rod’ to develop a life of self-respect, dignity, self-sufficiency and the ability to help their own too.
Sue Barness Williamson, Solemen Supporter