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Peace Action's Long Range Strategic Plan

Peace Action's Long-Range Strategic Plan is envisioned as a living document, one that local, state and national peace groups will all use as they develop their own annual work plans and set their respective priorities.

The plan is composed of three sections:

  • Program: The social and political changes, nationally and internationally, that we will strive to accomplish.
  • Growth, Fund Raising and Coalition Building: How we will strengthen our social movement, in order to accomplish our program goals.
  • Governance and Organizational Design: Ways in which we will better manage our growth and our activities as an organization.

The plan is further divided into three chapters:

  • Chapter I consists of goals and objectives for each of the three sections of the plan.
  • Chapter II lays out in table format the strategies that we will use to meet our objectives, with each table corresponding to a plan objective. Detailed and specific, as befits a serious action plan, the tables are an innovation from Peace Action's last five-year plan.
  • Chapter III discusses and provides background on each of the objectives in the program part of the plan.

Development of the Plan

This five-year strategic plan was shaped through responses to an affiliate survey; discussion among the Peace Action and Peace Action Education Fund Boards; a focus group with national staff; interviews with key affiliate staff and volunteer leadership; and discussion with attendees at the 2010 national Organizers' Meeting. It was developed by the Joint Strategy Committee of the two Boards.

New challenges and opportunities that we cannot now envision may make it necessary to modify this plan. But, by establishing goals, identifying clear objectives, and outlining specific strategies for each, the plan provides the Peace Action network the means to work together cohesively and effectively.

We hope and expect that this plan will inform our work over the next five years and inspire us to work harder and smarter for peace.

Download a copy:

Executive Summary - a brief, two-page summary of Peace Action's Long Range Strategic Plan.

Full Text - download the full text of the Long Range Strategic Plan.

Executive Summary
Full Text