Welcome to Compass, the home for everyone who wants to be part of a much more equal, democratic and sustainable future

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Fresh thinking that provides the policies and ideas to help us move towards a Good Society

  • This is one of two papers which attempt to explore the purpose, structure and culture of the modern political party. Ken Spours draws on Gramsci and Laloux to analyse the party in its 21st Century context.    

  • In the second of two papers examining the 21st Century Party, Indra Adnan explores how the meeting of the horizontal and vertical necessitates a fundamental shift in the structure, culture and leadership of modern parties.

  • ‘The context for a world without poverty’ is a paper that is part of series for a project that the Webb Memorial Trust (WMT) and Compass conduct together to develop a Theory and Practice of Change for a World Without Poverty. The aim with this project is to look at how poverty can be ended...

  • We're really delighted to announce that nominations are open for you to stand for the Compass Management Committee for 2016 - 2018 and hope that members will consider putting yourselves forward - you'll get to work with us (what a team!) to help Compass continue doing great work in the coming 2...

  • Howard Reed and Stewart Lansley discuss the growing demands for a UBI and how it could be introduced in the UK.

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How would a Good Society look and feel? And how do we move towards it? Read our blog, comment, share and get involved in the debate.

  • From 1971 to 1978, the UK women’s liberation movement held ten national conferences at which it formally adopted a total of seven key demands. The fifth of these demands, added in 1974, was for financial and legal independence for women, accepted with widespread support across all wings of the...

  • Progressive Alliance: wide or narrow?

    Thursday, 12 January 2017

    The idea of “Progressive Alliance” has really taken off now, especially with the defeat of Zac Goldsmith in the Richmond Park by-election. As with most good ideas it is accumulating a sort of fuzzy vagueness, and so this seems like a good time to return to the question of what “Progressive...

  • Building on Bauman's legacy

    Tuesday, 10 January 2017

    Forgive me, this is as personal as it is political. I don’t know what to do. A world that was getting darker suddenly turned pitch black. Zygmunt Bauman is dead. The towering intellectual colossus of our times and yet such a frail, slight and humble human being is gone. He lived an amazing...

  • A Universal Basic Income (UBI) is: A cash benefit that is: universal – paid to everyone in the population; individual – paid to each adult rather than as a single household payment and; unconditional – paid without means testing or conditions with regard to family or employment status...

  • Our blog series 'Universal Basic Income: Security for the Future?' is a series exploring the idea of universal basic income. We hope this series will help you familiarise with the concept; it's benefits and possible pitfalls. Our writers include academics, community organisers & welfare rights...

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Taking action where you are to make a Good Society a reality

  • Good London

    Friday, 01 April 2016

    Good London is a non-partisan Compass project funded by the Trust for London to start a conversation about the kind of city londoners want to live in as we head for elections in May and hold the next Mayor to account after the elections. Find out more below or check out our website for...

  • Salisbury Compass launch

    Thursday, 02 March 2017

    The chair of Compass Neal Lawson and local academic Graham Smith will be speaking at the launch of the Salisbury branch of Compass on Thursday 2 March at The Boathouse in Millstream Approach from 7.30pm. A regular writer for the Guardian and the New Statesman, Neal has long believed that...

  • Fabians New Year Conference

    Saturday, 14 January 2017

    The Fabian Society are holding their New Year conference this year on Saturday 14th January.  Neal Lawson will be speaking on a panel in the Progressive Alliance breakout group at 12.15. Come along and get involved. The conference agenda and registration are both here We'll also have a...

  • Meeting of Salisbury local group

    Saturday, 26 November 2016

    The meeting of the Salisbury local group will take place this Saturday 26th at The Market Inn in Salisbury, starting at 11am. Amongst other things we'll be discussing the possibility of running a local 'Democracy Cafe', preparing for our big launch event in the new year and having a general...

  • Meeting/Brainstorm 22 November 2016

    Compass West London invites you to a meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 at the Northfield Community Centre 71a Northcroft Road, Ealing, W13 9SS (5 minutes walk from Northfield Tube Station). The meeting is in Room 1 and a bell for entry is next to...

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