Current Affairs



The photo posted by four-year-old Jessica's father will remain a heartbreaking portrait of the haunting reality of ...

Five times our hearts were broken in 2016

From children caught up in wars and conflict, to shock music deaths, we've watched and cried right along with you. Here are five of the most heartbreaking stories of the year.

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One boy has been airlifted to hospital.

Four men dead in separate NSW drownings

Three men have died and one remains missing after they drowned in separate incidents on Boxing Day, within hours of one another.

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  • This article contains a video
For years Colleen was so self conscious about her damaged teeth that she would hide away, but now you can't wipe the ...

Something to smile about

"Rebuilding Smiles" is a new program that pairs dentists with family violence victims. But it's about much more than teeth.

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