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Trump says the Russian hacking is a political witch hunt.

Trump says focus on Russian hacking is a political witch hunt

President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview on Friday that the storm surrounding Russian hacking during the presidential campaign is a political witch hunt being carried out by his adversaries, who he said were embarrassed by their loss to him in the election last year.

$US snaps back, Wall St flat

The US dollar recovered ground after two straight days of losses against a basket of major currencies.

​Global equity prices edged lower after December's US non-farm payrolls report set the stage for further rate increases.

US economy adds 156,000 jobs

Average hourly earnings gained by 2.9 per cent over the 12 months ended in December, the most since June 2009, following ...

The US labour market turned in a solid performance at the end of 2016, putting job gains above 2 million for a sixth year.

Former CIA director James Woolsey quits Trump transition team

Resigned: Former CIA Director James Woolsey has quit the Trump team.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey, a veteran of four presidential administrations and one of the nation's leading intelligence experts, resigned on Thursday from President-elect Donald Trump's transition team because of growing tensions over Trump's vision for intelligence agencies.

Come on in, the water's fine - or not

Brighton Beach was one of the beaches to record consistently good water quality.

We've managed to get 15 years of beach quality data from the Environmental Protection Agency, and it shows there are eight beaches that have had an unbroken run of good years.

Jan Cameron rules out taking Bellamy's chair

A Jan Cameron-backed group is looking to dump Bellamy's directors.

With troubled baby formula group Bellamy's to issue its long-awaited trading update next week, dissident shareholders seeking to take board control will also meet next week to map out their push to topple the board.

BGS will not reconsider refunding fees to sexual abuse victims

Brisbane Grammar School will not reconsider refunding tuition fees to sexual abuse victims.

One of Queensland's most prestigious schools has refused to reconsider a refund of tuition fees to students who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a notorious paedophile at the school, despite an online petition managing to accrue more than 1100 signatures.

Make your own party mix a taste of future

Snakes are always a favourite.

One hour north of Melbourne there's a factory that makes magic. This is the where every jelly bean, red frog, raspberry snake and party mix bag is made for Australia and New Zealand


There has been a spate of shark attacks off the north coast of NSW this year.

Have a spate of bites and sightings up and down the NSW coast raised the odds that an attack awaits beachgoers this summer? Peter Hannam investigates.

The APS: lions led by deer or vice-versa?

Most of the real scandals of poor public administration don't come from the actions or omissions of well-meaning but ...

If I were a public servant I would be getting pretty damn sick and tired of being told by an insipid and gutless public service leadership that the major problem of today is a risk-averse culture located somewhere within the service – implicitly not at the top.

What price the future of Alcoa's Portland smelter?

Alcoa's has headquarters in New York and Pittsburgh.

The future of Victoria's biggest exporter and electricity consumer hangs in the balance. The outage occurred with remarkable timing - just days after Alcoa's 30-year government-subsidised power contract ended and with power prices looking likely to rise after the closure of the Hazelwood power station.