Moderator Application

Explanation of what it means to be a moderator:

Being a moderator for MentalIllnessMouse isn’t all fun and games. We might post memes and joke around with our followers, but we take our work very seriously. It’s hard work, but it’s all worth it at the end of that day for that feeling of relief that you get from helping others. As MIM expands we are branching further and further out into other venues than tumblr and we need all the creative, innovative people we can get. We’re looking for team players, and people who are pretty far along in their recovery journey who feel safe/stable enough to help others.

Moderator Duties:

  • Mods answer on average as a group between 300-500 questions a week. You will be expected to contribute to this output and help keep asks from getting older than 3 weeks.
  • Mods make vlogs on a monthly basis that cover a variety of topics. If you’d like to be a moderator that makes vlogs just let the Vlog Committee know.

Expectations for moderators:

  • You are expected to spend 2-3 hours a week on the blog.
  • You will check in once a week with an updated schedule for the next few weeks so other moderators can know your schedule.
  • You will alert both other moderators and followers when going on a hiatus.
  • You will be both serious and yet polite and respectful to our followers.

Application process:

As we are always accepting applications, you might not hear back straight away with whether or not your application has been accepted or rejected. You’re more than free to ask if it’s been more than a month since you submitted it.

We look for a lot of things in a moderator, so your best chance of being selected is to be as thorough as possible!

After you answer the first round of questions your application will be placed into review. If at any time you want to stop being considered as a moderator just let us know. After your application is reviewed, you may or may not be invited to a second round of questions. After that is another round of questions, the third round which is a video call with one of the moderators.

If you get a message from one of the moderators, please respond ASAP to schedule the video call with them. This is so that we can be assured that you are a legit person and not a troll or the like. This video call will feature yet more questions so come prepared.

Once that is over, and if a majority of the moderators approve, then you will become a moderator! This process can and will take a long while, so apologizes in advance.

These are the qualifications we look for in moderators:

  • Over 18

  • In recovery/actively seeking help for illnesses

  • Innovative/Creative people


You can find the first round of questions here if you’re interested.