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“Coping with mental illness looks different for everyone. Here’s what mine looks like in 2017 💚 #stopthestigma #medicatedandmighty


Coping with mental illness looks different for everyone. Here’s what mine looks like in 2017 💚 #stopthestigma #medicatedandmighty

“ Went back to the doctors today for the first time in a while. She wants me to go back to counselling and has re-started me on some meds. And that’s ok. There is no weakness in needing help.
#medicated and mighty


Went back to the doctors today for the first time in a while. She wants me to go back to counselling and has re-started me on some meds. And that’s ok. There is no weakness in needing help.

#medicated and mighty

Anonymous said: my cat has been prescribed a med to stimulate appetite and when i got the meds from the vet i kept thinking why does this meds name sound familiar i looked it up and it was the generic name for remeron which i was on years ago!

Hey anon,

It’s pretty common for pets to have the same chemicals in their medication as humans do! The dosages and non-active ingredients are usually different, though. They also don’t have the same regulations for purity that human medications do.

That must have been a cool realization that you and your cat have been on the same medication!


“My life got way better with these.
I’m not suicidal anymore, I don’t have crisis, I can live a normal life.
Of course things don’t magically got perfect but I’m fine now.
And I’m not weak for needing medicine. I’m not weak for needing...


My life got way better with these.
I’m not suicidal anymore, I don’t have crisis, I can live a normal life.
Of course things don’t magically got perfect but I’m fine now.
And I’m not weak for needing medicine. I’m not weak for needing help. I’m just human.
And so are you.

“ Hi everyone~❤
So some of you may not know, I am prescribed psychiatric medicine. And that’s totally ok!! Battling Major Depression and C-PTSD alone was impossible for me. Sometimes you need a lil help to balance out those brain chemicals...


Hi everyone~❤

So some of you may not know, I am prescribed psychiatric medicine. And that’s totally ok!! Battling Major Depression and C-PTSD alone was impossible for me. Sometimes you need a lil help to balance out those brain chemicals ^_^

In the pic are my 2 most important meds, Zoloft and Abilify. Not pictured is my Vyvanse, Vistaril, various OTC supplements like fish oil ect, my birth control, and my Minocycline. The last 2 medicines don’t really affect my head but worth mentioning either way c:

I am Seph, and I’m #MedicatedAndMighty 😎

“Depressed is still an awkward word in my mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever said it out loud to describe myself. I’ve spent a long time feeling like a liar, and feeling lazy for not willing myself to just be happy. I wasted years of...


Depressed is still an awkward word in my mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever said it out loud to describe myself. I’ve spent a long time feeling like a liar, and feeling lazy for not willing myself to just <i>be happy</i>. I wasted years of my life trying to crawl out of my own skin.
As I’ve grown, and found support, I’m starting to care about myself in a meaningful way. But it was only this year that I’ve gotten medical help. It’s honestly one of the best choices I’ve ever made, and I wish I had made it sooner. I have energy to be productive, I’m way less irritable, and I even feel attractive on my best days.
I still have low moments, but it’s much easier to pull myself back to a good place and I’m so grateful.

“ Medicated & Mighty
Lamotrigine, Escitalopram, Propanalol, Diazepam, Melatonin & Promethazine - it’s quite simple, without these medications I would be dead. If you’re struggling with finding the right medication, please...


Medicated & Mighty

Lamotrigine, Escitalopram, Propanalol, Diazepam, Melatonin & Promethazine - it’s quite simple, without these medications I would be dead. If you’re struggling with finding the right medication, please persevere, it took me a long time to find what’s right for me but it is possible and I feel like myself again for the first time in years! Of course I still have bad days, but I’d say a vast majority are good days now; I’ve been able to regain control over my life and begin actually living again, and none of that would be possible without medication.

“We take our medication like swallowing stardust. I picture it like sewing gold into my veins, stitching all the cracks that have been torn over years of neglect. We are whole, we are strong, we are medicated and mighty.


We take our medication like swallowing stardust. I picture it like sewing gold into my veins, stitching all the cracks that have been torn over years of neglect. We are whole, we are strong, we are medicated and mighty.

Celexa update


So I’ve been on meds for a good two months now and… it’s actually kind of good. Sure, things are perfect but I never expected a miracle. That first week was especially hellish and I’m overwhelmingly thankful that I was lucky enough to get something that worked for me the first go around. For the first time in my life I don’t go through the day with crushing anxiety, I can drive without risking a total mental breakdown, and I can order for myself without filling like I’m about to pass out. And I can actually sleep most nights, which is second only to the newfound independence.
So if you’ve just started out and you’re feeling tired and sick and possibly even angry: it’s gets better. It’d hard to believe but it does. Not immediately, not all at once, but one day you’ll look around and realize things have become ok for you too.

“I take medication for mental illness and I will not be ashamed.


I take medication for mental illness and I will not be ashamed.


One of my goals in the New Year is to be an mental health advocate. For myself, for my loved ones, and all the beautiful souls who have these to deal with these nightmares. You are not alone, you are beautiful and you are loved.
