

I really need everyone to see me throwing a piece of bread into a bears mouth.

I actually have never been more proud of anything in my life and WILL reblog this every day until I die.

(via thecrackenfromthesea)


My kink is not opening messages and pretending theyre not there

(Source: timeaway, via jodielouee)


if you ever call me annoying, even if it’s just jokingly, the chances of me ever speaking to you again are slim to none because I’ll be so afraid that every little word or sound that comes out of my mouth will aggravate you and make you cringe and hate my existence

(via jodielouee)





Shel Silverstein wanted to say something very wise. So he wrote a children’s book.

I couldn’t fully appreciate these as a kid. I’m so glad to see these. Shel Silverstein was so magnificent.

My entire childhood.

Yassssssss I’ve loved these since I was little

(Source: wordsnquotes.com, via encourage)

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