Small Business

Is it really so bad for young employees?

Plenty of companies go all out to find and keep young talent.

If you believe a union survey released this week, young workers are becoming the equivalent of corporate chimney sweepers. The majority are underpaid, undertrained, treated poorly by their manager and cannot rely on getting regular work. 

The ACTU's survey of more than 500 people aged between 18 and 24 attracted media headlines about young staff "getting screwed at work", facing a "grim picture" and fearful of "being ripped off" by their employer. 

All grown up but with room for some fun is the ethos at many companies.
All grown up but with room for some fun is the ethos at many companies.  Photo: Jessica Hromas

I cannot comment on the survey's methodology or whether 500 or so respondents is sufficiently robust for a topic as complex as youth employment. But I have yet to read a union survey where staff praise their employer and working conditions.

Cynicism aside, it irks me that surveys about supposed problems for young employees attract so much attention and so little scrutiny. Why aren't other workforce segments who are doing it tough, such as older workers, given the same hearing?

Talented young employees are especially sought after by some firms.
Talented young employees are especially sought after by some firms. 

Are things really as bad for young employees in Australia as the ACTU suggests? Half of survey respondents said they were treated poorly at work, half said they were not being paid the right amount and almost two-thirds said they had no career progression.

Are today's young workers so much worse off than previous generations?


For evidence of employee mistreatment, look at the 50-something managers who are dumped on the scrapheap after giving most of their professional life to their employee, excelling in their role and being at the peak of their powers. All because they can be replaced by younger, cheaper staff and discarded in a blink. It's shameful age discrimination. 

Then there's the older white male manager who is overlooked for promotions because he is not sufficiently different. His diversity-obsessed employer ignores the best candidate for the role and chooses someone based on their gender, race or other attributes. 

Let's not forget the Gen X manager in their mid-40s who is fighting to keep their job or moving between employers from one short-term contract to the next. Technology is eroding their role, but they still have a mortgage, school fees and mouths to feed.

That is not to downplay the deep challenges of youth unemployment. Too many kids are unemployed or underemployed and some are disgracefully not paid their full entitlements, including superannuation. They have much to complain about.

The Age's revelations this week that companies are underpaying more than 250,000 workers in the retail and fast-food industries through dozens of enterprise agreements, many which exclude penalty rates payments, demands a swift response from policymakers. 

But many companies, particularly larger ones with white-collar young employees, go all out to attract and keep talented young people, and do the right thing. 

Yes, they work young staff hard, expect a lot and may not lift their pay as quickly as their older peers enjoyed. Still, their approach is light years ahead of where it was even a decade ago.

How many older people reading this column recall their employer allowing them to work the occasional day from home when they started in the workforce, and providing more latitude when they started and finished their shift each day?

Or being allowed to dress more casually at work, at least in some companies? Or surfing the internet and checking their smartphone and social media at work? Or being regularly surveyed by their corporate employer about workplace satisfaction. 

I recall white-collar work being far more rigid and aggressive for 20-somethings a decade or two ago. An inane focus on punctuality, managers who screamed at young staff, rampant workplace discrimination at some companies, seniority-based promotions, scant consideration of work/life balance, and a bums-on-seats mentality rather than focusing on outputs.

Some young employees I know complain about their workload and responsibility. They don't realise they are given opportunities and experience – and an ability to fast-track their career – that many older workers, who waited years for promotions, never had.

On the ACTU survey, respondents complained about a lack of workplace training. Who can blame employers for cutting back on training when some young staff job-hop every 12 months? The time and monetary cost for small business owners who invest heavily in a young manager, only to see them ditch their job to go backpacking overseas, is huge. 

Many survey respondents complained they had no career progression. Really? Plenty of talented young people progress rapidly through companies. They make themselves indispensable through performance. 

Others complained about poor treatment. What does that mean? Does it describe a manager who rightly challenges young employees who produce shoddy work? Are too many young employees so precious that they cannot accept constructive criticism?

Granted, not all young employees access the conditions and opportunities I have mentioned. Some slave away in thankless, under-resourced, poorly paid jobs. Others cannot find work or have to get by with the uncertainty of casual shifts. Those who work hard, to move up to better jobs, deserve more government support – and protection from unscrupulous employers. 

But to suggest the majority of young workers face a "disturbing picture" does them and the community a disservice. It entrenches a defeatist mentality and entitlement culture among young people who expect their employer to map out a great career for them.

There are great opportunities for talented young people who work hard, study hard, save, compete and are willing to forego instant gratification to invest in their long-term career and professional development. Employers are crying out for young staff with these attributes.

Moreover, it has never been easier or cheaper for young people with good ideas to launch a venture. If you hate working for somebody else so much, do something about it. Start a business. Take a risk. Invest in yourself. Take control. 

Better to fail while having a red-hot go than moan about perceived career injustices, which in many cases are more the employee than their employer. 

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