
On June 1, 2017, Google will cease development of Flash in the IMA SDKs. This will end support for the IMA SDK for Flash, as well as support for Flash VPAID ads in the HTML5 SDK. We strongly encourage all publishers still using the Flash SDK to migrate to the HTML5 SDK. We also strongly encourage advertisers still trafficking Flash VPAID ads to migrate those ads to JavaScript VPAID.

What does this mean for the Flash SDK?

We will not actively prevent ad serving to the Flash SDK. However, new releases will stop after June 1st and we will no longer fix bugs or answer support questions. If ad serving or playback stops working after this date for the Flash SDK, it will not be fixed. We strongly encourage you to migrate to the HTML5 SDK.

What does this mean for the HTML5 SDK?

We will no longer support Flash VPAID ads in the HTML5 SDK. Flash VPAID ads served to the HTML5 SDK will not be rendered and the SDK will fire an error. We strongly encourage you to migrate your Flash VPAID ads to JavaScript VPAID.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the support forum.


On Tuesday, February 28, 2017, in accordance with the deprecation schedule, v201602 of the DFP API will be sunset. At that time, any requests made to this version will return errors.

If you're still using this version, now's the time to upgrade to the latest release and take advantage of new features like HTML5 creatives, programmatic support, and retrieving saved report queries. To do so, check the release notes to identify any breaking changes, grab the latest version of your client library, and update your code.

Significant changes include:

This is not an exhaustive list, so as always, don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. To be notified of future deprecations and sunsets, join the DFP API Sunset Announcements group and adjust your notification settings.

AwReporting is an open-source Java framework that is optimized for large-scale retrieval of AdWords API reports.

We plan to release a new major version (v2.0) within the next few months that will
This release will have some backwards incompatible changes, such as
  • uses report type names with “AW_” prefix as database table names
  • uses field names as database column names
  • renames setting “mccAccountId” to “managerAccountId” in properties file
  • renames setting "" to ""
  • renames processor type setting’s options from “ON_FILE” to “FILE”, and “ON_MEMORY” to “STREAM”
  • removes “-debug” and “-verbose” command line options, and depends on log configuration file (default one is for setting logging granularity
  • removes server modules (aw-reporting-server and aw-reporting-server-appengine) in the new release since they have third-party dependencies that are not actively maintained
If you are actively using the aw-reporting-server or aw-reporting-server-appengine module or have any questions about this upcoming release, please let us know on this forum thread.


Episode twelve of The Mobile Ads Garage is live on YouTube! If you haven't seen it before, The Mobile Ads Garage is a video tutorial series that covers how to use the Mobile Ads SDK to display ads from AdMob and DoubleClick for Publishers. Each episode covers one aspect of the SDK, breaks down the feature, and shows screencasts of real implementations on both Android and iOS – all in a friendly format.

With their customizable presentations and ability to be precached, Native Express ads fit right in with list-based user interfaces:

In this deep dive episode of the Mobile Ads Garage, you'll learn how to integrate Native Express ads into an iOS app that uses a UITableViewController for its primary UI. Along the way you'll get a detailed set of step and see screencasts of an implementation in Xcode. The episode also covers a handy technique for tapping into the ad lifecycle to load native express ads sequentially, from the top of the list to the bottom.

If you like the video, save the Mobile Ads Garage playlist to your YouTube Playlist collection and you'll never miss an episode.

We'd love to hear which AdMob features you'd like to learn more about. The comment sections for the videos are open, and you're welcome to toss out ideas for new episodes and examples you'd like to see. If you have a technical question relating to something discussed in one of the episodes, you can bring it to our support forum.

Until next time, be sure to stay connected on all things AdMob by following our Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ pages.


Hello ads PHP developers! Today we're pleased to announce the stable release of the new ads PHP client library. This has been in beta for a while now, is a huge overhaul of the library, and offers the following improvements:

  • Uses namespaces and conforms to PSR-4 autoloading.
  • Conforms to PSR-3 for logging.
  • Supports installation via Composer.
  • Uses the Google PHP auth library for OAuth2, offering more features, flexibility, and service account support.
  • Uses Guzzle for non-SOAP HTTP calls, conforming to PSR-7.
  • Contains better object-oriented library design and stub interfaces, including builders to configure settings.
  • Contains upgraded and easier to use utilities for AdWords reporting, AdWords batch jobs, and DFP reporting.
  • Enables SSL by default for SOAP API calls and non-SOAP HTTP API calls.

This library has been pushed to the master branch on GitHub. The old library is now deprecated and moved to a deprecated branch with reduced support until it reaches end of life (EOL) on July 31, 2017. Reduced support details can be found in issue #193. To help you upgrade, we've written an upgrading guide.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line on the AdWords or DFP API forums, or the Ads Developer Google+ page.


Today we're excited to announce iOS and Android sample projects that display AdMob Native Express ads in a feed. These samples address a common use case for monetizing apps with feeds or lists of content. The iOS (Swift and Objective-C) apps display Native Express ads in a UITableView and the Android app shows them in a RecyclerView.

Native Express ads work well in lists of content for two reasons. First, impressions are not counted until the ad is on screen, which enables you to preload the ads ahead of time. Preloading can help with optimizing scroll performance by making sure the ad is ready to be displayed when the user scrolls through the list. Second, you have more control over the styling of the ads, allowing you to create presentations that fit naturally with your content.

You can check out these sample apps by downloading them from our iOS and Android GitHub repos, and you can see them being coded in the Mobile Ads Garage YouTube series. Episode 11 walks you through the implementation for adding native ads into an Android RecyclerView. Episode 12, which will cover the implementation of native ads in an iOS UITableView, is due out next week.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding our SDK, feel free to contact us through our forum.

Today we're announcing the release of video campaign management support in AdWords scripts. You can now create and manage in-stream, video discovery, and bumper ads in your existing video campaigns, set targeting for your video campaigns and ad groups, and report on performance including views and view rate.

To get started, visit our Video Campaigns guide for an overview of the new functionality. You can also view a variety of samples both in the docs and by using the Show examples button in the script editor. These are pre-built functions that may be useful to drop into your code or use as the basis for expansion into your own custom script.

When you're ready to dig in or when you're ready to learn more, check out the "Video" section of the left navigation bar under our AdWordsApp documentation.

If you have any questions about this new feature or AdWords scripts in general, you can post them on our developer forum.