Examining WWE's hottest feuds heading into 2017
Video by Eric Holden

Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins vs. Chris Jericho and Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair. Those are just a few of the mind-blowing offerings the WWE is dishing out as it wraps up 2016, one of the most successful, profitable years in company history.

Luckily for fight fans, it's looking like most of the promotion's hottest feuds will carry over into the first quarter of 2017. Which WWE rivalries can fans expect to see in the new year? With "Rowdy" Ronda Rousey a distinct possibility for a blockbuster match against Charlotte at the 2017 installment of WrestleMania, the ongoing program between Banks and Ms. Flair is likely to fizzle out sometime in the near future.

That's one rivalry WWE Universe can check off as over and done with by the end of the first quarter of 2017. But elsewhere on the roster, there's a ton of feuds the WWE's creative team will look to stretch into the new year. Besides the on-again, off-again drama between Owens and Reigns, The Miz continues to do his best work when sharing a ring with Dolph Ziggler.

Some within WWE Universe have grown tired of that rivalry, but it's one that brings out the best in both performers. Additionally, fans shouldn't forget that Finn Balor will be returning from injury in the early part of 2017, and he's going to be looking to make a major statement.

This is a guy who was supposed to be the next big thing, a top babyface who could potentially replace John Cena as the biggest draw at the box office. An unfortunate injury kept Balor sidelined for much of 2016, so he'll be looking to make up for lost time once the calendar turns to January. Fans can expect him to open a feud with the winner of Owens vs. Reigns.

All signs point to Reigns edging Owens at the upcoming "Roadblock" pay-per-view, as that would free Owens up to start a program with Jericho. The story-lines have heated up quite a bit in the WWE over the past few months, but things are going to get even hotter in 2017.