Bon Iver teams with the New York Women's Fund for the 2 A Billion Campaign.

Bon Iver teams with the New York Women's Fund for the 2 A Billion Campaign.

Bon Iver/Instagram

Here’s a statistic you might not know but will find appalling: One in every three women experience abuse in her lifetime. That comes out to more than a billion women globally. With the election spotlighting—for better or worse—gender inequality and sexual assault, organizations helping women are seeing an enormous influx of requests for services and support. Now, Bon Iver has teamed up with The New York Women’s Foundation to create the 2 A Billion Campaign to raise awareness and provide support for these women’s organizations.

“One of the biggest problems with domestic abuse is that people don't talk about it,” Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon said. “It's insidious, stigmatized and hushed."  To bring attention to their cause, Bon Iver, The New York Women’s Foundation, and affiliated grassroots organizations will be setting up stands at Bon Iver’s upcoming shows in New York City. If you’re at one of the shows look for the 2 A Billion Campaign tables near the merch stands to educate yourself and donate if you can.  If you’re not in the NYC area you can still donate via phone by texting 2AB to 56512 to have a one-time $5.00 donation taken off your next phone bill with all proceeds going to the local non-profit partners

You can find tickets to Bon Iver’s New York shows here.