
Latest Business News

The US dollar recovered ground after two straight days of losses against a basket of major currencies.

$US snaps back, Wall St flat

​Global equity prices edged lower after December's US non-farm payrolls report set the stage for further rate increases.

Average hourly earnings gained by 2.9 per cent over the 12 months ended in December, the most since June 2009, following ...

US economy adds 156,000 jobs

The US labour market turned in a solid performance at the end of 2016, putting job gains above 2 million for a sixth year.

A Jan Cameron-backed group is looking to dump Bellamy's directors.

Jan Cameron rules out taking Bellamy's chair

With troubled baby formula group Bellamy's to issue its long-awaited trading update next week, dissident shareholders seeking to take board control will also meet next week to map out their push to topple the board.

Snakes are always a favourite.

Make your own party mix a taste of future

One hour north of Melbourne there's a factory that makes magic. This is the where every jelly bean, red frog, raspberry snake and party mix bag is made for Australia and New Zealand

Power lines leading to the Alcoa smelter at Portland.

PM's office in push for Alcoa deal

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's office has weighed into the high stakes negotiations between aluminium giant Alcoa and power supplier AGL as political anxiety grows around the future of Alcoa's crippled smelter in Victoria.

Trump's bromance with Vladimir Putin is a re-run of the Nixon/Kissinger playbook, with a twist.

Trump's Russian bromance: Doing a 'Nixon goes to China'

Trump's cosying up to Vladimir Putin is straight out of the Nixon/Kissinger realpolitik playbook, seeking to befried Russia to better contain China, the country he sees as the biggest threat to the US as the world's biggest economy.

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