
The house from The Castle is being moved... and will likely wind up in NSW

As the real estate agent said: Location, location, location.

The house from the iconic Australian comedy The Castle will soon be shipped up the Hume Highway, bound for greener pastures. 

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Iconic house from The Castle saved

The suburban Strathmore house used to film The Castle may have been saved from the threat of being demolished, with a proposed plan to move it to Corowa, New South Wales.

And no, it's not heading to Bonnie Doon. 

The famous weatherboard will trade-in its current location in Strathmore for Corowa, in southern New South Wales. 

Current owner Vicki Cosentino has wanted to let go of the house for some time, after its current tenants allegedly "trashed" the place. She originally hoped to demolish the weatherboard at the end of 2016 and replace it with two new townhouses. 

However, she has instead struck a deal with the newly-created Federation Council.


Instead of being pulled down, the council – which covers a number of small towns along the Victorian and NSW border – has agreed to ship the weatherboard to Corowa to become a local tourist attraction.

Mike Eden, the administrator of Federation Council, said the initial moving costs will be about $20,000.

Once the house arrives in NSW, it will be handed over to the Corowa Whisky and Chocolate factory. There, it will likely become a museum or comedy venue. 

"The constitution was born in Corowa, so there is that historical tie-up," Mr Eden said, referring to how the constitution plays an integral role in the film.

"But it's all about the comedy, the vibe. It's going to bring money back into the community." 

However the big move won't be happening for a few months. Mr Eden said the council is waiting for Ms Cosentino's current tenants to move out. 

"Anyone who wants a wedding or to spend their first night in The Castle house, well, they'll have to wait to spring," he said. 

"It's sad to see it go," said Tony Wiggin, a Castle fan from Canberra who, after hearing the news of its impending relocation, made visiting the house a top priority during a family vacation down the Great Ocean Road. "It's a part of history."

He says that once the house is moved to NSW it will lose its authenticity, because it will no longer be close to an airport.

"A plane flew over as we looked at the house and the kids had a laugh," Mr. Wiggin said of his five young children, whom he and his fiancee refer as the Vansmiggans. "They asked if the movie was real. We told a little white lie and said, 'yes'."

With Aimee Amiga