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  1. Pari in school uniform on the 1st day of school
  2. SIX!!! Bhajji finishes it off in style. India win the 1st ODI against WI. Now I can sleep aramse
  3. Ok guys can we finish this off jaldi now. Wana sleep
  4. @Yashumave so what is it that has got u soooooooo exited??
  5. Thru with ur exams?? RT @Yashumave: Finally!!;) finally i got ma freedom back ... Well ma best days are ahead:)..
  6. iLove my bean bag
  7. Ramdev method, BREATHE!!! RT @Feisty_Ta Extremely short-circuit today. :-/ *snap* *growl*
  8. Welcome :) RT @shilps31: Back on Twitter :)
  9. Hmmmmm :( RT @kavyagowda: @iamvinays no pics on twitter :)
  10. Twitpic pls RT @kavyagowda: Decked up in Kanchivarams for an engagement. Also on display new jewel set. #Showoff
  11. & me, a head massage RT @handlechange: 911, this is an emergency, I need a pedicure, manicure and a massage!
  12. @Yashumave anyway good luck to u & ur guy. :)
  13. @Yashumave top secret?? Hmmmmm ;(