Call for action: Flood the jail with magazines

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From Support Kevin and Tyler

After lawsuit is filed against Kevin’s jail over magazine policy, a call to mass-mail magazines.

On behalf of Kevin, we are asking anyone who publishes a magazine, newsletter, or any periodical to send copies to Kevin this week.

This week, a lawsuit was filed against the jail by Prison Legal News over its refusal to allow magazines (except PLN) into prisoners.

We would like to have as many periodicals as possible mailed into the Kankakee County Jail as soon as possible. This will accomplish two objectives:

Testing the jail’s willingness to comply with the law.
Allowing us monitor what, if any, magazines are rejected or not passed on to prisoners.

If you publish a magazine

We’re asking anyone involved with any kind of periodical (zine, newsletter, magazine, etc) to mail a copy to Kevin. It must be clearly marked as coming from the publisher to be allowed in. And if your budget allows, please add tracking so it can be confirmed if magazines are being delivered to the jail but not Kevin.

On behalf of Kevin and all prisoners, thanks for the support.

Please send Kevin a letter of support:
(Note: Kevin Johnson is his legal name.)

Kevin Johnson #469551
Jerome Combs Detention Center
3050 South Justice Way
Kankakee, IL 60901

Tyler Lang was released from state custody in November 2013. He is currently out on bond awaiting trial on the federal charges.


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