Black Cross Health Collective
fight the power, do no harm
fight the power, do no harm
First Aid for Radicals and Activists

We hope that the information available on this web site will help you to be safer and stronger in your activism. Remember that we do this work because it is important and fun - and at least some danger is essential to life.

Black Cross Health Collective is currently on hiatus. We're not offering any trainings, attending planning meetings, or organizing clinics. We may not be able to answer all of our email requests. It is unknown when this hiatus might end. Meanwhile, this web site is not being updated and exists primarily as an archive and, hopefully, a resource.

Here are some groups we recommend for information on trainings and other healthcare needs:

MANY Medical Activists of New York

BALM Boston Area Liberation Medics

BARHC Bay Area Radical Health Collective

STORM*NYC Star of Resistance Medics New York City

CHE Cascadia Health Educators - send email to "che at"
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