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title: anarchist federation - organising for resistance
LINKS - to other anarchist websites in UK and elsewhere

Last updated August 2009. Listings are checked and added to regularly.
Please email us with additions, changes or corrections. Thanks!

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UK & Ireland Links

Here are links to other interesting World Wide Web sites in Britain and Ireland. See also our News Diary for links to sites for actions to get involved in.

Active Distribution - UK distro of music, books, mags etc. - if you missed the bookfair, check out AR for bargain prices.
AK Press (UK) - printers and distributors of anarchist books, magazines and lots more. Get free printed catalogue or order online.
Anarchist Bookfair - London - not just books, but meetings and discussion, every year in London (usually October or November). Meet members of the AF and other anarchists. Also keep an eye out for bookfairs in Belfast, Manchester, Norwich and elsewhere.
Anarchist Federation - our home page! See also AF North, AF Alba & AF Ireland sites.
Antagonism - Useful site with lots of on-line texts and links, by London-based left communists.
Antifa - Britain - section of the Antifa international anti-fascist network
Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh - plus Edinburgh Claimants and Counter Information newspaper, and links to other Scottish info.
Aufheben - lots of in-depth articles in this libertarian communist journal.
The Bath Bomb - is Bath's premier radical scandal rag - sniffing out all the news the Chron, council, cops and bosses don't want you to read!
Belfast Anarchist Bookfair - site of this now regular Northern Ireland event.
Black Flag - long running anarchist paper, currently in magazine format + link to AK Press.
Bradford's 1-in-12 Club - great place to meet activists in Yorkshire.
Brighton's Cowley Club - Brighton's equivalent of Sumac/1-in-12.
Brighton Anarchist Black Cross - best website of this UK-wide prisoner support group. Site links to other ABC, prisoner and legal support groups.
Bristol's Kebele - how come so many social centres are in towns beginning with 'Br'?
Bristol: Anarchist Bookfair - another of the local bookfair taking place annually.
Cambridge Anarchists - local group, and paper the Cambridge leveler. Cambridge: East Anglia AF group - including Norwich & Cambs, part of the Anarchist Federation
Cardiff Anarchist Network - have a new PAD (Peoples Autonomous Destination) social centre.
Class War Federation - the members who continued on after the 'Open Letter' are here (same website as London Class War).
Class against Class - libertarian, autonomist and council communist texts.
Climate Camp - site for information about the camp(s) which started in 2006.
Colchester Solidarity Group - network of Colchester-based Libertarian Socialists.
Corporate Watch - investigation, resources & links related to the dirty dealings of corporations. Useful site for activists.
Defy-ID - loose network of groups opposing identity cards and national identity database (NIR)
Dublin: Revolutionary Anarchafeminist Group - and recently launched RAG magazine. See also RAG blog.
Dublin: Seomra Spraoi social centre.
Earth First! - Network of groups with an ecological bias + EF! Action Update on-line newsheet.
East Kent AF group - now widening out to Kent, part of the Anarchist Federation
East Anglia AF group - including Norwich & Cambs, part of the Anarchist Federation
Edinburgh anarchists - bringing together anarchists in Embra. See also Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh.
Freedom Press - including extracts from Freedom anarchist fortnightly. Publishers of anarchist literature since 1886.
Gagged - South Wales anarchist bulletin, and promoters of 'Vote Nobody' anti-election campaign.
Glasgow Anarchists - bringing together anarchists in Glasgow.
Gwent Anarchists - Gagged bulletin - read this local paper on the Cardiff Anarchist Network news page.
Haringey Solidarity Group - a well established North London-based activist group. Includes info for welfare claimants and anti-ID card activism.
Hereford AF - Anarchist Federation group who write great local bulletins including 'The Black Apple Press'
Hereford Heckler - anti-fascist/anarchist bulletin and blog.
Indymedia UK news and info site with links to local, regional and international independent news centres. Find out what your crap local newspaper didn't report.
Infoshop 56a - South London-based social centre.
Ipswich Anarchists - and links to other East Anglian groups.
IWW UK - UK site for the Industrial Workers of the World anarchist-influenced industrial union. Many local branches.
Kate Sharpley Library - London-based anarchist library and documentation centre. Some on-line material.
(East) Kent AF group - part of the Anarchist Federation
Last Hours - glossy radical/punk magazine. Nice cartoons including the autobiographical 'Monkey Riot' strip.
Lancaster Anarchist Group - Myspace page.
Leeds: Yorkshire anarchists - Leeds AF cosying up to Sheffield AF.
Leicester Anarchists - part of the AF. - the place to find out about british anarchism, chat to and meet anarchists in UK, including the AF forum.
Liberty & Solidarity - new Platformist organisation, est. 2008.
Liverpool: Next to Nowhere - Anarchist social centre next door to News from Nowhere, Liverpool's Radical & Community Bookshop.
Liverpool/Merseyside AF - part of the AF.
London AF - our AF group in the old smoke. London: Action East End - community action group based in East London, with bulletin East End Howler. London Action Resource Centre - social centre. Website has links to most of Britain's radical social centres including some not mentioned on this page, so check and see what's in your area.
London Anarchist Forum - LAF is an informal non-sectarian left libertarian discussion group which meets most months. Not to be confused with London AF, our local group!
London Campaign Against Poverty (LCAP) and Against Poverty news bulletin. Download issue 1 [PDF].
London Class War - still bashing the rich along with CW paper and 'A Touch of Class' mag.
London: Voices of Resistance from Occupied London - new quarterly journal.
Manchester/Oldham: Anarchist Federation - local AF group that also includes Greater Manchester, who run the AF-North website.
Manchester: Anarchist Bookfair - yet another of the local bookfair taking place annually.
Movement Against the Monarchy - the name speaks for itself. Came out of Class War.
No Borders (UK) - Network of groups opposed to immigration control. No Borders Camp was held near Gatwick airport in 2007, against detention centres and a focus for anarchist activity.
No Borders / Make Borders History - organising website for a network of groups who are opposing borders, nations, deportations.
North of England (AF) - for anarchists in the North-west: Manchester, Oldham, Liverpool, part of the AF. Producers of a local paper, Northern Resistance.
Nottingham AF - Anarchist Federation local group and publishers of the 'Nottingham Sparrow'.
Nottingham Claimants Action - lots of links to work and benefits activism and advice from the former Nottingham Campaign Against the Jobseekers Allowance (NCAJSA).
Nottingham's Sumac Centre - radical social centre - get Organise! and Resistance here.
Norwich: East Anglia AF group - including Norwich & Cambs, part of the Anarchist Federation
Norwich Anarchists - an umbrella group that seeks to promote anarchism and campaign on various political, social, economic, environmental and animal rights issues.
Norwich: Now or Never - substantial and colourful local anarchist paper.
Norwich: The Great Commotion, a new local newssheet for Norwich and Norwich, named after Kett’s Rebellion in 1549.
Organise! Ireland - anarchist organisation that bridges the North & South of Ireland, not to be confused with the AF's magazine of the same name.
Re-pressed distribution - Leeds based distro for books & pamphlets on green anarchy etc. Fair to say there's much to disagree with from the anarchist communist perspective, but unfair not to mention.
Schnews - long-running weekly newsletter from Justice?, Brighton's Direct Action Collective.
Scotland/Alba AF. See also: Scotland/AF Myspace.
Sheffield AF - Anarchist Federation local group and publishers of 'The Fargate speaker'. See also: Yorkshsire anarchists
Shift magazine - thoughtful anarchist/libertarian paper from Manchester that has specialised in analysing Climate & No Borders Camps & anti-G8.
Solidarity Federation - British section of the anarcho-syndicalist International Workers Association, and publishers of Direct Action magazine and Catalyst Bulletin. Good pamphlets.
Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism - SGSA is an official Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association (UK), whose principal aims are to coordinate and promote the re-investigation of anarchism as a political ideology. A UK academic network who will be organising a 2007 conference.
Surrey Anarchist Group - Local anarchist group, part of the AF [website currently down].
Swindon Anarchist Group - Local anarchist group, aiming to bring together Anarchists based in Swindon and Wiltshire.
Stroud Valley Anarchists - Local anarchist group.
Subversion Home Page - We had close links with this group, now sadly defunct, but the website is still maintained. Lots of good online material.
Turbulence - libertarian communist paper, which like Shift has analysed recent anti-capitalist events and gatherings.
Wales: IWW - in both English and Welsh.
Walthamstow Anarchist Group - Local anarchist group in E17.
Whitechapel Anarchist Group - Classwar-esque group in London E1, with WAG bulletin.
West Midlands Anarchists - group of class struggle anarchists in Brum and thereabouts.
WOMBLES - White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective Struggles. UK based activists.
Wrekin Stop War & Wrekin Anarchist Group - stop war group with anarchist persuasion arising out of Telford Stop the War coalition.
Workers Solidarity Movement - Irish platformist group.
Yorkshire anarchists - Leeds AF cosying up to Sheffield AF.

General International sites/newswires/libraries/archives/lists

3 Monkeyz - an international anarchist portal.
A-infos - international anarchist news in many languages.
Anarchopedia - multi-lingual anarchist wikipedia.
Anarchy Archives - an online research center on the history and theory of anarchism. Lots of texts.
Anarchist FAQ - Opinions on Frequently Asked Questions about anarchism and anarchists. Includes an extensive links page. Ten years old in 2006!
The Anarchist Library. Includes the online version of our translation of George Fontenis' Manifesto of Libertarian Communism (thanks Dave!).
Anarchist People of Color - a discussion group by and for people of color who identify with anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideals.
Anarkismo - anarchist-communist website with documents in many languages, plus news and events listings.
Anarcho-syndicalism 101 - website set up to be the entry point to the global anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unionist movement.
Antifa - international Anti-Fascist network
The Communist Economy page - Unabridged electronic publication of Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution.
Cornelius Castoriadis/Agora International (CC/AI) - website devoted to a cofounder of the revolutionary journal and group Socialisme ou Barbarie (1948-1967) that inspired the May 1968 rebellion in France.
Flag Blackened - hosts a variety of anarchist sites and has lots of links.
Industrial Workers of the World - IWW - anarchist-influenced union and workplace networking organisation with international sections. Some AF members are involved with IWW UK.
Indymedia - see also UK site.
International Centre for Research into Anarchism (CIRA) - 50 years old in 2007, a archive of anarchist materials based in Switzerland -see online catalogue in English
Infoshop - a project of the Alternative Media Project running since 1995.
Institute for Anarchist Studies - gives grants for the theorectical development of anarchism.
International of Anarchist Federations - IAF-IFA - of which the AF is the British section.
International Libertarian Solidarity - ILS-SIL - federation of mainly platformist groups of which WSM is the Irish section.
International Workers Association - IWA-AIT - anarchosyndicalist federation of which Solidarity Federation is the British section.
John Gray web-site - for communism - making communist, anti-capitalist and historical texts available on-line and linking to texts on other sites.
Leftist Parties of the World - comprehesive international list which contains an anarchist section.
The Nestor Makhno Archive - An archive of documents, in various languages, relating to Nestor Makhno, the Makhnovshchina and Ukraine during the Russian Civil War. library - Situationist and social anarchist online library.
Platformism - Groups, publications and discussion relating to The Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists, which is reproduced in full including a historical introduction by the A(C)F.
Prol-position - newsletter covering contemporary workers' struggles from a libertarian communist position, mostly European but some in USA.
R. A. Forum - Research on Anarchism, an interactive website and data base in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian and Chinese. It includes brief biographies, historical texts and other articles.
Spunk Press - An Online Archive of Anarchist and Alternative Materials.

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Balkans, Greece & Turkey

Athens Indymedia - English-language newswire.
Anarchism in Turkey (& N. Kurdistan) - from the Revolt on-line collection. Lots of (oldish) links to English and Turkish language texts.
Bulgarian anarchists (in English). See also, Anarchy in BG, Bread and Freedom and Z magazine
Croatia: MASA - anarcho-syndicalist organisation, formed 2008. Some English translations alongside/after Serbo-croat. Greece: Anarchy website
Serbia: Freedom Fight - Serbian group formed in 2003, including Zmag for the Balkans. Some English material. Read an interview with FF here.
Serbia/Former Yugoslavia: ASI - Union Confederation Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI) is an anarchist, rather an anarcho-syndicalist, organization with the goals of social struggle and propaganda. Links to English language (En) material & good links to other Balkan sites.
Slovenian Anarchist Portal - in Slovenian. Anti-NATO info. For some English info about Slovenian anarchism, see Metelkova & Infoshop page.
Turkey: Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol (EKS) - forum on of Sol Komunist/Anarsist Komünist Tartismalari. In Turkish and English.
Turkey: AnarsistKomunizm - portal created by Turkish-speaking Anarchist Communists, including: Tacanka Anarchist Communist Collective from Ankara, Anarchist Communist Initiative from Istanbul and Black Red Paris, from Paris.
Turkey: War Resisters
Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists - translation into Turkish.

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Eastern Europe, Russia & Caucasus

Abolishing the Borders from Below - Anarchist collective in Berlin, formed by East-European migrant anarchists and political and counter-cultural anti-authoritarians. Publishes an excellent bi-monthly magazine in English.
Alternative Network for Eastern Europe - the newsgroup ALTER-EE has been created to help to coordinate anarchist activities in the region of Eastern Europe.
Autonomous Action - Network of Causcasian and former-Soviet Union anarchist groups, in Russian and English.
Belarus: Anarchist Federation - Part of the IAF-IFA, the Anarchist Federation of Belarus (FAB) is a free union of anarchist groups and various libertarian initiatives, founded August 1992.
Czecho & Slovak Anarchist Federation - in Czech and English. Another part of the IFA-IAF. See also A-kontra paper.
Poland: Anarchist Federation
Poland: Anarchist newswire in English - also in Polish and other languages
Russian member of the IAF-IFA. See also, Another Russian anarchist site.
Ukraine: The Nestor Makhno Archive - An archive of documents, in various languages, relating to Nestor Makhno, the Makhnovshchina and Ukraine during the Russian Civil War.

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France, Italy, Belgium & Switzerland

Anarchist Federation / Federation Anarchiste (FA) also known as FAF, French-speaking Anarchist Federation - French language web-site of the IFA-IAF, France/Belgium/Luxembourg section.
Alternative Libertaire - libertarian alternative franco-belgian federation, a platformist organisation.
Anarca-bolo - Swiss site with links to anarchist related-sites in Switzerland including CIRA archive.
Cercle Social - french anarchist site. Has english section.
French CNT the larger 'Vignoles' section (anarchosyndicalist trade union)
French CNT-AIT, the other French CNT, IWA affiliate.
Italian Anarchist Federation (FAI) - Federazione Anarchica Italiana, Italian section of IFA-IAF
FdCA - English Language page - Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici - Federation of Anarchist Communists, Italy
Bureau of Public Secrets - Translations of over 200 graffiti from the May 1968 revolt in France. Other Situationist material via the main page.
France: Organisation Communiste Libertaire - and publishers of Courant Alternatif
Le Libertaire - Jules Durand's Libertarian Group, Le Havre, France, including journal Le Libertaire (all in French).
Umanita Nova - weekly anarchist paper of the Italian Anarchist Federation (FAI), IFA-IAF Italian section. In Italian.

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Germanic countries, Scandinavia, Iceland

Anarchist Federation in Deutschland (and Switzerland) - previously an initiative (i-AFD) they are now FdA, the German-speaking afflilates of IFA-IAF.
Brand - Sweden - website of this long established magazine, with latest and back issues, in Swedish.
FAU - German anarchosyndicalist union. See also Strike-Bike, a self-managed bicycle factory occupied by its striking workers in July 2007.
Germany: AGR Anarchist Group - Council Communists
Iceland: Aftaka - mainly in Icelandic with some English articles.
SAC Swedish anarchosyndicalist union

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Iberia & Malta

Federacion Anarquista Iberica - Anarchist Federation of Iberia (FAI), the Spanish IAF-IFA affliate and publisher of anarchist paper, Tierra y Libertad
Portal Libertario OACA. - web portal of OACA, Andalusian Anarcho-Communist Organisation.
Luta Social (Social Struggle) - libertarian class struggle collective in Portugal (in Portuguese).
Apoyo Mutuo - Mutual Aid - Spanish Libertarian Network
Radio Klara Libre y Libertaria - Anarchist Radio Station
CNT - the original Spanish CNT - anarchist trade union.
CGT - a more reformist version
Solidaridad Obrera - another anarchosyndicalist group

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Africa & Middle East

Africa: libcom discussion forum - in English, French, Portuguese.
African Anarchism: The History of A Movement - online version of 1997 book by Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariwey. Afrique san Chaines / Africa without Chains - Issue 5 - April 2009 - magazine of the French CNT-F reporting on and supporting libertarian and syndicalist struggles in Africa. See also Issue1, Issue2, Issue3 & Issue4
Anarchism in Africa - recent forum discussions and mention by Zabalaza ZACF of newer groups that attending the IWA I07 meeting including: Algeria (SNAPAP), Morocco (UMT, CDT, ANDCN, paysans pauvres, FDR-UDT), Tunisia (CGTT), Guinea (CNTG, CEK, SLEG), Cameroon (CSP, CGT Liberté), Côte d'Ivoire (CGT-CI), Djibouti (UDT), Congo RDC (LO), Mali (Cocidirail, Sytrail), Benin (FNEB, UNSTB, AIPR), Burkina Faso (UGEB, CGT-B, AEBF), Madagascar (FISEMARE). There are also anarchists in Kenya (Anti-Capitalist Convergence), Swaziland (members of ZACF) and Zimbabwe (involved with Uhuru Youth Festival at Southern African Social Forum in 2005). ZACF have some contacts in Nigeria and Uganda.
North Africa: Anarkismo newswire
East Africa: Anarkismo newswire
Central Africa: Anarkismo newswire
South Africa: Anarkismo newswire
West Africa: Anarkismo newswire
Anarchism in Africa - older info and links
Zabalaza ZACF - home of Southern African anarchism, an anarchist communist organisation in the Platformist tradition. See also interview in Black Flag.
Al Badil al Taharouri - anarchism in Lebanon
Anarchists Against the Wall - Israeli group supporting the popular Palestinian resistance to the Israeli separation wall. - on site.
Zimbabwe: Uhuru Network & Toyitoyi Artz Collective - revolutionary counter-culture and anti-authoritarian class struggle network in urban Harare (and nearby rural area, Rugare). See also: ZACF interviews two libertarian activists from Zimbabwe

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Americas - North, Latin & Caribbean

Argentina: anarchy portal - a project of the Mar de Plata Collective. Good links to other groups and publications.
AK Press - US web-site of the well-known distributor/publisher of radical books, periodicals, videos, music etc.
Black Sheep Books - an all-volunteer workers' collectively run shop specializing in radical and scholarly used books. Located above an cafe in the centre of Montpelier, capital of the state of Vermont, USA.
BSR - Biblioteca Social Reconstruir (The library of Social Reconstruction). Important anarchist library in Mexico, badly needing you to send funds for its survival.
Black Cat Press - Canadian anarchist printer and publisher based in Edmonton, Alberta.
Chile: Hombre y Sociedad - anarchist communist paper, 10 years old in 2007.
Collective Action Notes - Baltimore-based libertarian communist publication group, sympathetic to issues of worker's autonomy and self-activity. Cooperates informally with the Echanges et Mouvement network in Paris
Cuban Evolutionary Humanist Movement - Movimiento Humanista Evolucionario Cubano. Mostly in Spanish, introduction in English. Contains recent article about Cuban anarchism around 1895 (also in Spanish).
Farmworkers/Trabajadores Agricoles - Site devoted to agricultural workers' struggles (mostly Latin american) by Sin Fronteras Organising Project, in both English and Spanish.
Federacion Libertaria Argentina - IFA-IAF Argentinian section, based in Buenos Aires. FLA and El Libertario can also be found here.
Groupe Anarchiste Emile-Henry - French-speaking Anarchist Communists in Quebec, Canada. Part of NEFAC - see below.
Industrial Workers of the World - anarchist influenced labour organis
Infoshop - extensive and long running US site (formerly Mid-Atlantic Infoshop).
Lucy Parsons Center - also hosting the long-standing Bookshop in Boston, USA.
Mexico: CIPO-RFM also known as Magonistas, this group is facing a struggle with the state like that of the Zapatistas and needs support.
Montreal anarchist bookfair - annual North American event.
National Libertarian Federation - formerly named Revolutionary Alliance - a new Libertarian-Socialist grassroots organisation based in Trinidad.
NEFAC - North-Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists/Fédération des communistes libertaires du nord-est, a federation of anarchist collectives in US and Canada.
North East Anarchist Network - Boston, USA and surrounding area, including BAAM newsletter.
OAL & Libertad! - Argentinian anarchist communist group and publication. Also produce Iconoclasta paper.
Peru: Qhispikay - Official Organ of the Grupo Qhispikay Llaqta anarchist group from Lima, Peru (in Spanish)
Red and Black notes - Libertarian communist journal from Canada.
Red Libertaria - Argentinian libertarian organisation based in Buenos Aires.
Uruguayan Anarchist Federation - the FAU.
Workers Solidarity Alliance - previously the American section of the IWA, now independent anarcho-syndicalist organisation.
Venezuela - CRA - anarchist organisation, publishers of paper El Libertario, that is trying hard to maintain an anarchist opposition to Chavez' authoritarian regime. Solidarity DVD available via IAF-IFA website.
Voix de Faits (La Nuit anarchist collective of NEFAC, Quebec City Canada) - Blog and local news in French.

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Australasia / Oceania - Australia & New Zealand / Aotearoa

Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM) - New Zealand anarchist-communist organisation formed in December 2008 with members in Wellington, Christchurch and a few smaller towns across the country. .
A Space Inside - anarchist collective in New Zealand/Aotearoa, and hosts of a September 2007 'Anarchism is Organising' conference on Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland, coinciding with a blockade of the 'NZ-US PARTNERSHIP FORUM'. - portal for anarchism in Australia.
Beyond Resistance - class struggle anarchist collective formed August 2009 in New Zealand//Aotearoa, based in Otautahi/Christchurch. Class War - older website in New Zealand/Aotearoa, based in Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland.
Freespeech TV - Host to Australian 'age of anarchism' page & anarchist radio show 'Radio Freedom'.
IWW Australia - Industrial Workers of the World.
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - Australian group.
Rebel Worker - paper of the Anarcho-syndicalist network in Australia.
Takver - Radical Tradition - useful website for finding out about radical history of Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand).
Thr@ll - entertaining anarchist magazine from New Zealand.
Working class United - Anarchist, communist and syndicalist news and views from Oceania.

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Pacific Basin / East Asia - China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines

Anarchism in North China - article from 1971.
Free Papua Movement - Information about opposition to Indonesian government and multinationals in West Papua (Irian Jaya).
Japan: La Nigreco (in Japanese/Esperanto/English)
Japan: Anarcho-Syndicalist Journal
Korean Anarchist Network
Korean Anarchist Solidarity
Korea: anti-military service
Indonesia: Jaringan Anti-Otoritarian (Anti-Authoritarian Network) - good news and pictures from Mayday 2008 event.
Libero International & Resources on Asian Anarchism - CIRA-Nippon project to archive Asian anarchist materials - mostly about Japan and Korea, some China (compiled 1974-1980). Philippines: 'As A Whole' collective - struggling radical Infoshop in Davao City.

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