
Namechecked by Obama, gay ex-Navy officer joins race to revive Democrats

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Washington; The gay, 34-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana – namechecked recently by President Obama – has entered the contest for chairman of the Democratic party, presenting himself as an alternative to the two leading candidates.

Warning that beleaguered Democrats can ill afford a replay of their contentious presidential primary in the race to lead the Democratic National Committee, Pete Buttigieg said "this is not a time to relitigate an old battle".

"We've got to transcend the narrative that this is some kind of proxy fight."

He did not mention them by name, but Mr Buttigieg was referring to Labour Secretary Thomas E. Perez and Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, who have secured the most support to date.

Mr Perez was an early supporter of Hillary Clinton and a finalist to be her running mate while Mr Ellison was one of Senator Bernie Sanders' most visible surrogates.

Many Democrats have expressed concern about reopening wounds from a presidential primary that highlighted their ideological, generational and racial fissures.


In a post-election interview with the New Yorker, President Obama named Mr Buttigieg as one of four young Democrats he sees as future leaders of the party. 

Mr Buttigieg supported Ms Clinton late in that race, but he is now casting himself as someone who can rise above the fierce internecine wars that linger from 2016, presenting himself as an alternative to a pair of Washington-based candidates.

"I think there needs to be a voice for communities like mine," Mr Buttigieg said. "And I don't just mean communities in the Midwest, but communities where the decisions made in Washington actually affect people."

His entry into the party contest underscores just how fluid it remains with just more than six weeks until Democrats gather to elect their next chairman.

In addition to Mr Ellison and Mr Perez, Jaime Harrison, the South Carolina Democratic chairman; Raymond Buckley, the New Hampshire Democratic chairman; and Sally Boynton Brown, the executive director of the Idaho Democratic Party, are in the race.

None of the candidates is close to securing public commitments from a majority of the 447 members of the party, many of them based in the states and territories, needed to win.

Mr Buttigieg is little known to most of the voting members, but his gilded resume has caught the eye of many influential Democrats.

He is the two-term mayor of a Rust Belt city,  a Harvard University graduate and a Rhodes Scholar. He is also an openly gay former US naval officer who served in Afghanistan.

"This is one of the most talented young leaders in the Democratic Party," said David Axelrod, President Obama's former chief strategist.

"And he comes from the middle of the country, where the party needs to be strengthened."

Mr Buttigieg, who lost a bid for state treasurer in 2010, is widely believed to have higher ambitions for elected office. But he said he believed the party chairmanship, which offers a high-profile media platform, was more consequential at the moment.

"Look, no one sits on his mother's knee and says, 'I want to be national party chair when I grow up one day'," he said, promising he would resign as mayor if he won the race.

"But I can't think of something more meaningful than organising the opposition in the face of what I think will be a pretty monstrous presidency and challenging time out here in the states."

That is certainly apparent in Indiana, where Vice President-elect Mike Pence, the state's governor, helped propel the Republican ticket to a victory that also swept in a new Republican senator and a Republican successor to Mr Pence.

Mr Buttigieg said Democrats had no choice but to aggressively compete for working-class white voters if they were going to start gaining ground in such places.

"Sitting back and waiting for the map and demographics to save us – that's not going to be enough," he said.

New York Times