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  • Credits: 5.00 General, 1.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P9001-17U
  • Original Program Date: 3/2/17
  • Available Formats:
    • Live Event
    • Webcast
    • DVD

4th Annual Workers' Compensation Law Institute: What's New? Category: Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury, Employment & Labor, Programs

IICLE’s Fourth Annual Workers’ Compensation Institute will update you on the latest developments in the field and continue to assist you in taking your workers’ compensation practice to the next level! Sophisticated issues, such as an analysis of the most recent work comp cases, medical and scientific proof, stress cases, and an in-depth discussion of the Corn Belt case and its impact on PPD analyses, will be covered. The pitfalls of missing deadlines, as well as the pending “new rules,” will also be discussed. You won’t want to miss this terrific opportunity to network with Commissioners and Arbitrators and other workers’ comp attorneys!

  • Credits: 10.25 General, 2.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P9004-17U
  • Available Formats:
    • Live Event
    • Simulcast
    • DVD
    • Webcast

60th Annual Estate Planning Short Course Category: Estate Planning & Probate, Trusts

Come celebrate 60 years of premier continuing legal education for estate planning attorneys; an incomparable faculty will speak on topics including bulletproofing your estate plan, the proposed section 2704 regulations, post-mortem tax planning, minimizing fiduciary risk, key developments in guardianships, and much, much more!

  • Credits: 6.25 General, 0 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P1039-17U
  • Original Program Date: 05/18/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • DVD
    • Webcast
    • Simulcast
    • Live Event

Child Support and Maintenance Category: Family

The way child support is calculated in Illinois is completely changing on July 1, 2017; learn all about the new Income Shares model so that you’ll be on the cutting edge of effectively representing your family law clients!

  • Credits: 1.75 General, 4.25 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P1029-17U
  • Original Program Date: 4/7/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • DVD
    • Webcast
    • Simulcast
    • Live Event

Divorce Boot Camp Category: Family, Civil Practice & Procedure

The 2015 Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act drastically changed the practice of family law in Illinois by updating concepts and terminology consistent with societal changes over recent decades. At IICLE’s 2017 “Divorce Boot Camp,” learn how to practically implement these numerous changes, as well as how the courts have interpreted the “new” statute. This comprehensive program is sure to provide attendees with all the information they need to take a divorce case from start to finish.

  • Credits: 0 General, 6.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P9018-17U
  • Original Program Date: 6/2/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • DVD
    • Webcast
    • Simulcast
    • Live Event

Ethics Institute Category: Ethics, Ethics & Professional Responsibility

The all-new IICLE® Ethics Institute provides provocative ethics programming and gives you the opportunity to earn as many (or as few) professional responsiblity hours as you need as the end of the reporting period nears!

  • Credits: 5.00 General, 1.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P1033-17U
  • Original Program Date: 3/14/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • Live Event
    • Simulcast
    • Webcast
    • DVD

General Practice Boot Camp Category: 101 - Basic Level Practice

The all-new IICLE® General Practice Boot Camp will give you a practical and innovative overview of 7 different areas of legal practice. This program will bring the seasoned general practitioner up to speed on important aspects of the law and legal practice and also offers a quick and convenient “jump start” for new attorneys and those establishing a new solo practice. A faculty of Illinois attorneys with extensive experience in specific areas of the law, including estate planning, criminal defense, family law, labor and employment law, real estate law, collections, and immigration law, will help you focus on the crucial information you need in each area.

  • Credits: 5.00 General, 1.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P1035-17U
  • Original Program Date: 3/8/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • Live Event
    • Webcast
    • DVD
    • Simulcast

Land Use Law in Illinois Category: Government & Legislative Law, Real Estate

This course about Land Use Law in Illinois will cover both the basics, such as the nuts and bolts of zoning and the fundamentals of land use litigation, AND more sophisticated topics, such as the planner/developer perspective on land use; ethics; fair housing; ordinance-crafting; and regulation of the public way.

  • Credits: 4.25 General, 2.00 Professional Responsibility
  • Product ID: P1034-17U
  • Original Program Date: 4/4/2017
  • Available Formats:
    • Live Event
    • Simulcast
    • Webcast
    • DVD

Taking Title to Real Estate: Basic & Complex Issues Category: Real Estate

IICLE’s all-new full-day “Taking Title to Real Estate: Basic and Complex Issues” program will allow you to dig deeper into issues confronting real estate and title attorneys on a daily basis. Increase your understanding about the myriad ways in which title to real estate can be held. Gain insight into more sophisticated issues, such as testamentary holding documents, conveyancing, titleholding for business entities, advising multiple buyers, and special rules for trustees and personal representatives. Significant time will be devoted to how to avoid ethical pitfalls that can face attorneys practicing in this area.


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