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Master satirist tackles the contract everyone agrees to but no one reads

For his newest project, R. Sikoryak tackles the monstrously and infamously dense legal document, iTunes Terms and Conditions, the contract everyone agrees to but no one reads.  In a word for word 94-page adaptation, Sikoryak hilariously turns the agreement on its head – each page features an avatar of Apple cofounder and legendary visionary Steve Jobs juxtaposed with a different classic strip such as Mort Walker’s Beatle Bailey, or a contemporary graphic novel such as Craig Thompson’s Blankets or Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis.

Adapting the legalese of the iTunes Terms and Conditions into another medium seems like an unfathomable undertaking, yet Sikoryak creates a surprisingly readable document, far different from its original, purely textual incarnation and thus proving the accessibility and flexibility of comics. When Sikoryak parodies Kate Beaton’s Hark A Vagrant peasant comics with Steve Jobs discussing objectionable material or Homer Simpson as Steve Jobs warning of the penalties of copyright infringement, Terms and Conditions serves as a surreal record of our modern digital age where technology competes with enduringly ironclad mediums.

Praise for Terms and Conditions

Juxtaposing the dull subject matter against the artistic variety and Sikoryak's skill makes for surprisingly engaging reading -- proof, if it were needed, that comics make everything better.


Awesome” and “inspiring” probably aren’t the words that leap to mind when you scroll through Apple’s iTunes contract — but that’s about to change… Artist Robert Sikoryak has been converting the “unabridged” legal text… into a series of gorgeous comic parodies.

The Huffington Post

… this creative cartoonist has taken the boring iTunes terms and conditions and turned it into a graphic novel that is actually worth reading.

Tech Times

Outside of the novelty of such a project (and its usefulness, since you're far more likely to actually read the godforsaken thing now) the best part is seeing Sikoryak style every page into a different comics homage.


It’s a fascinating, very well-drawn reframing of the binding agreement that all of us are far too unfamiliar with.

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