Events of 2005

TFP Student Action Hosts Weekend Event

The school year is back in full swing and TFP Student Action is ready to face another season of discussions, protests and events. With this in mind, the group organized an informal weekend event, from November 3-5 for around ten … Continue reading

Bringing Christ back into Christmas

On December 18, nearly 250 local supporters and friends of the American TFP gathered at the group’s national headquarters in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, for this year’s Christmas open house. The reality that Christ’s birth should be at the center of … Continue reading

Add a Note of Seriousness to Your Year

The 2006 America Needs Fatima Calendars are in, and this year’s theme is seriousness. The calendar begins with a reflection analyzing a picture of the three Fatima seers, which points out a seeming paradox. While the three children are undoubtedly … Continue reading

Standing By The Cross in Nebraska

When the University of Nebraska’s Studio Theatre advertised its plans to stage the blasphemous anti-Catholic play “Corpus Christi,” the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) and its TFP Student Action and America Need Fatima campaign … Continue reading

“She Protected Me on the Water”

  On November 22, TFP supporter Sergio de Paz brought a pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the home where child Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez spent four short months. The six-year old boy was rescued at sea while … Continue reading

Standing Up for Church Teaching

When TFP supporters in St. Louis heard that pro-homosexual activists would be gathering on the steps of the city’s Catholic Cathedral on November 7, they immediately thought of an act of reparation. An obscure group called Catholic Action Network for … Continue reading

Building Foundations in Education

Education without principles is like a building without foundations. It is precisely to discuss a concern for these principles that students, teachers, scholars, officials and concerned citizens gathered for the Tenth Annual Foundations of Education Symposium at Topeka’s Washburn University … Continue reading

Letter to the Bishops

In an attempt to urge the bishops’ pastoral leadership in the struggle to defend the family in America, representatives of the American TFP delivered eight boxes of signed petitions to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington D.C. … Continue reading

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