Donald Trump, higher rates, rising debt: Why investors are getting cold feet

To be a successful real estate developer is to commit to speed and risk, and to always be looking for the next deal.
To be a successful real estate developer is to commit to speed and risk, and to always be looking for the next deal. AP

The US sharemarket edged lower on Thursday night, as investors paused to reflect on the three major developments of the week that have decidedly negative implications for their portfolios.

The week's first major downer was the report released by the Institute of International Finance, which found global debt levels rose to 325 per cent of the world's gross domestic product last year, boosted by higher government borrowing.

According to the IIF report, global debt jumped more than $US11 trillion ($15 trillion) in the first nine months of 2016 to a new record high of more than $US217 trillion. In a worrying development, government borrowing accounted for nearly half of the total increase.

Even more concerning is that this surge in global debt levels comes at a time when borrowing costs – for governments, companies and individuals – are rising sharply.

As US hedge fund manager, Kyle Bass, the founder of Hayman Capital, pointed out in his latest investor newsletter, there is now a huge question confronting markets: "What happens to economies at maximum leverage when interest rates begin to rise?"

Markets start 'tectonic shift'

Bass, who established his reputation by betting against subprime mortgages ahead of the 2008 financial crisis and who last year became extremely bearish on China, told investors that global markets were at the early stages of "a tectonic shift from deflationary to reflationary expectations".

He wrote that "as we enter 2017, we believe enormous macro imbalances are just beginning to unwind".

For several years, the investment environment has been extremely challenging because "economic gravity has been pulling one way and central banks have been using aggressive monetary policy to pull the other".

But this is now changing. "From here on, we expect to encounter significant changes in global fiscal policies along with a continuation of the upward movement of general price levels for consumers and producers alike."

He predicted this would result in a world with "higher global inflation, tepid real economic growth, and severe imbalances in select Asian financial systems and currency markets".

LIBOR tops 1 per cent

As if to underscore Bass' warning about the threat posed to a debt-laden world from rising interest rates, this week saw another major negative milestone as three-month LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate which is an important reference rate for business and consumer financing, topped 1 per cent for the first time since April 2009.

Now, of the world's estimated $US300 trillion in total debt and derivatives, about half – or $US150 trillion – is denominated in US dollars. Every single basis point rise in LIBOR (a basis point is one-hundredth of 1 per cent) implies an increase of $US15 billion in borrowing costs.

Of course, not all US consumer and corporate debt is linked to three-month LIBOR because the bulk of US mortgages are fixed rate, and companies have reduced their reliance on floating-rate bank loans. However, analysts estimate that between 15 to 20 per cent of US consumer debt, and about 25 to 30 per cent of business loans are priced in reference to LIBOR.

This suggests the recent spike in LIBOR rates has already added an estimated $US140 billion to the interest rate bill for US consumers and companies. The combination of higher interest rates, combined with the rise in oil prices, will together squeeze the number US consumers – whose spending accounts for about 70 per cent of US GDP – can spend on discretionary items.

Donald Trump and US car makers

At the same time, it's likely that investors are beginning to reflect on the negative consequences of the latest escalation in tensions between US President-elect Donald Trump and large US car makers.

Ford Motor this week scrapped a plan to build a new $US1.6 billion small car factory in Mexico shortly after Trump attacked General Motors on Twitter for importing some of its Cruze compact cars from a plant in Mexico to sell in the United States. "Make in USA, or pay big border tax!", Trump tweeted.

But Trump's attack on General Motors has reverberated outside the car industry, with major US manufacturers to now scurrying to review corporate strategies likely to be affected by changes to US trade policies under the Trump administration, while trying to avoid a Trump Twitter attack.

House Republicans have already developed a plan for overhauling the US tax code that would impose corporate taxes on imports, while eliminating them from exports, and Trump has proposed a 35 per cent tariff on goods made by companies that shift production abroad.