ACT News

ACT government seeking Canberrans' input for new number plate slogan

How would you boast Canberra pride in 30 characters or less?

A year after Canberrans could first get their hands on number plates that promote our "age friendly city," the ACT government is seeking a new signature catchphrase.

The Feel the Power of Canberra number plates are still available.
The Feel the Power of Canberra number plates are still available. Photo: Paul Harris

Chief Minister Andrew Barr is calling on Canberrans to help think of a new addition to the range of numberplates currently being sold, which include "Canberra the Nation's capital", "Canberra - Heart of the Nation", "Celebration of a century", and "Canberra - age friendly city".

Plates touting the controversial "Feel the power of Canberra" slogan and an image of Parliament House are still in circulation, though they are no longer being distributed.

Mr Barr said "Canberra the nation's capital", had been "overwhelmingly" the most popular.

Canberrans had six weeks from Wednesday to decide how to best proclaim their love for the Australian capital.


"If you need inspiration, see what others have used around the world or get together with family and friends and brainstorm ideas," Mr Barr said.

"Your idea could be the next ACT numberplate slogan for all of Australia to see. The number of ideas you submit is only limited by your imagination."

He warned entrants against offensive entries as they will not be accepted.

After a panel of judges narrows the field of potential winners, Canberrans would be invited to choose their favourite.

Hours after Mr Barr announced votes were open, creative-thinkers took to social media to post ideas such as "ACT - Roundabout Territory," and "Canberra - more than Parliament House".

Last year, social media users were baffled as to how the "Canberra - age friendly city" slogan took out the competition, with some tweeting "Frankly I'd rather *insert anything else here*," and "it's no 'feel the power'".

Justice Minister Shane Rattenbury and Ageing Minister Mick Gentleman had said the "age-friendly city" plates were chosen after the World Health Organisation designated Canberra as an age friendly city.

"Feel the Power" was maligned by the public after it was included in a Carnell government advertising campaign to promote Canberra in 1998.

What should the new slogan be? Leave your suggestion in the comments



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