I’ve had it with inspiring New Year’s resolutions

Thanks to everyone who has offered me inspiring advice on how to be a better me in the marvellous new year that is 2017. Now please, shut up.
I really am grateful, and I know you mean well, but I don’t know how many times I can be reminded about what’s wrong with me without feeling just a little judged.
I am a big man (no, not in the high school sense) and I have been for some time. At fairly regular intervals, about every three years, I hit a high mark with my weight and then get inspired or frightened in to losing weight.
It works. Best I ever did was lose 26kg in a 10 months with a combination of diet and exercise. I went from total couch potato to running 5km in less than 30 minutes.

This was me AFTER the last time I lost weight.

Now I am just about back to rock bottom again.

My preference, as usual, is for a weight loss regime that involves no changes in diet and no exercise. Unsurprisingly this position is winning very little support.

Good Price Pharmacy Warehouse naturopath Michael Jeffries politely pointed out the reality of this approach as follows:

“There are no ‘one size fits all’ weight loss programmes. Weight loss assessment need to be individually tailored taking into account metabolic and endochrine imbalances necessitating maybe medical blood tests and other investigations
“There is no secret solution to this specific request to lose 25kg without dietary change or need to exercise heavily without first taking into careful consideration the above mentioned issues and individual personal circumstances.”
Armed with these unfortunate truths I will once again get back to activities I don’t enjoy and food I don’t like, at least in anticipation.
In the meantime, lay off the “you would lose more weight if” comments. They help about as much as suggesting I should be taller.
My inspiration to lose weight, as always, will come from within rather than from the judgement of others.
Ron Goodman is the editor of My BT and is at least 20kg overweight.
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