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Welcome to Fat Cat Thursday

ASX100 chief executives, on average, take home $5.4 million a year.

It's Thursday, January 5, and the nation's top business leaders have now made more money this year than the average Australian makes all year long.

6218: The number Yarloop locals don't want us to forget

Mike Brown's new tattoo - Yarloop's postcode and the date the historic town burnt down.

Those whose lives were touched or destroyed by the Waroona-Yarloop fires will never know what time it started on the night of January 5, 2016. But three days later two men were dead, 181 homes were destroyed and the historic town of Yarloop was in ashes.

Reef bleaching to be 'annual event': study

It takes at least five years for affected reefs to recover from bleaching, according to researchers.

Most of the world's reefs will suffer annual coral bleaching within 26 years but the Great Barrier Reef will be hit much later if carbon emission targets are met, a new study says.

Trump optimism loses steam

Morgan Stanley: "We can't help but think that the Republican sweep has created a more uncertain and volatile outlook for ...

Buy the election, sell the inauguration, says Morgan Stanley. The rally fuelled by dreams to "rebuild America" has run far enough.