
Sydney Festival's reawakening of the Sydney language is 'music to the ears'

Lille Madden said the words for the first time and the words sounded strangely familiar, like chittering birds on the back fence. "Nangami", which means to dream. "Wellama", to come back. "Putuwa", to warm your hands by the fire and squeeze gently the fingers of another person.

The Aboriginal language of Sydney was as foreign as her French classes in high school. Madden, 21, a Gadigal woman who is also from the Bundjalung, Arrente and Kalkadoon clans, grew up in Sydney but knew few of the traditional words for its people, land and waters.

"No one spoke it at home and I never really heard it," she says. "I was envious because my mother and her father are from up in Alice Springs, where so many different Indigenous languages are spoken and known fluently. I always wished I could learn the Sydney language."

Her chance came with the audio installation Patyegarang's Notebooks, a retelling of conversations in the 1790s between a young Indigenous woman and English astronomer William Dawes, who arrived in Sydney on the First Fleet.

The pair met frequently for language lessons in a hut at Tar-ra, now known as Dawes Point, where the Englishman wrote down Patyegarang's word lists and sentences. Sydney Festival visitors will hear recordings of Madden reading from those notebooks at the same site, beneath the southern pylon of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, from January 7.

The installation is part of a program to reawaken the "Sydney language", also known as Gadigal language, Eora or Darug. Madden says learning traditional language for the artwork, which is also by Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi artist Jonathan Jones, was "music to her ears". "You feel when you say those words that you were always meant to say those words," she says.


"It is a good feeling to be able to speak the language and to be standing on Gadigal land at the same time – it makes me feel more connected to people past and present."

There were more than 250 Aboriginal language groups at the time of European settlement, many of which are no longer spoken. Gadigal elder Charles "Chicka" Madden, Lille's grandfather, says that as a child in Redfern, authorities stopped people speaking the Sydney language.

But those traditional words and phrases remain part of the oldest living culture in the world, he says. "I think the culture should be brought back, kids should be taught it in school," he says. "I am a bit long in the tooth now to learn the Sydney language but I hope all my grandkids learn it."

The Sydney Festival's program Bayala – which means "speak" in the Sydney language – also includes free language classes at the State Library and Studio 404 in Parramatta, which are fully booked. Darug woman Aunty Jacinta Tobin says the lessons will help revitalise the little-known language. "We have not got fluent speakers any more and that is very sad," she says.

"Language is about a sense of pride and connection. We have got so much memory in our blood but we haven't had the confidence to lift it out."

Most of us already speak parts of the Sydney language without knowing it, she says. The word Bondi came from the traditional description for the wave that crashes on the beach. Coogee meant the smell of seaweed. Cabramatta meant head of the waters.

The traditional language is poetic and lyrical, with short words carrying great depth. Tobin, who grew up in Emu Plains, says that "warami" (hello) means in full: "Hey, where have you been, you have been far away, you are back now, how are you?" "Yanu" (goodbye) means "I am walking away".

She has also helped compose the song Budyari Gunyalungulung Baraya-la ("Let's sing up good dreaming"), which will be performed by a choir that is open to all-comers, at Barangaroo Reserve, on January 26.

She says the resilience of the Sydney language should be celebrated. "We were told our language was dead and yet the Sydney language is actually spoken worldwide," she says. "People around the world say the word 'boomerang', people around the world see a wallaby and call it a 'wallaby'. I am very proud of that."

Patyegarang's Notebooks is at Dawes Point from January 7-29, open 6am-11pm.