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Find new resilience and healing with bestselling author Michaela Haas

Deeply personal interviews and accessible tools for discovering the uplifting new science of posttraumatic growth: Filled with powerful insights and tools from survivors, this is a book that will help when life challenges you (Atria/Enliven, October 2015).

Bouncing Forward offers groundbreaking research and more than 60 tried-and-true methods to turn adversity into opportunities. Author Michaela Haas, PhD, presents twelve inspiring stories from survivors of cancer, addiction, PTSD, loss of mobility, loss of a loved one, and childhood abuse to teach you how they used their trauma to grow in five areas of life. This book will help you become more resilient and mindful in the face of life’s inevitable setbacks. The author immersed herself into her subjects’ lives, and even interviewed the late Dr. Maya Angelou, who shares with us how her childhood trauma led her into a life of meaning. You’ll walk away with five powerful practices and a deep understanding of the strength of your spirit.


Michaela Haas is the author of Bouncing Forward, Dakini Power, and the forthcoming Crazy America. She is a reporter, coach, and consultant. With a PhD in Asian studies, she combines powerful storytelling with scientific research and uplifting spirituality.  



Haas Live!
Communication Coaching Consulting

Since 2001 Michaela has been successfully coaching top executives, and leading group trainings and corporate workshops.

Haas Live! focuses on:

  • Bouncing Forward: Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth
  • Be Present Now: Mindfulness Meditation
  • Wisdom at Work: Mindfulness Tools for Leaders
  • Media and Presentation Training: How to Get Your Message Across
  • Introduction to Buddhism
  • International Leadership Skills
  • Personal Coaching
  • Crisis Communication
  • Change Management